
Is it illegal to use dead hedgehogs as loo brushes?

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Is it illegal to use dead hedgehogs as loo brushes?




  1. Get two and use the hides for boxing gloves.  

    Lay some in front of the door as a welcome mat.  

    Many things they are good for.

  2. WHY DON'T YOU ASK THE RSPCA and don't forget to post their response in ANSWERS

  3. no it happens all the time

  4. No, what a stupid question.

  5. Disrespectful, but not illegal.  

    Can I have your skull for a pencil holder when you're done with it?

  6. no its just recycling!!

  7. Well at least they're being put to a good use.

  8. You are sick!!!

  9. I can't see why not when they can double up as spikey footballs

  10. Who are you? Dr Robotnik? lmao

  11. ew weirdo, you're not ACTUALLY going to are you? like its just a joke yeah?

    it better be lol!

    aww eww i have horrible picture of someone sticking a dead hedgehog down the loo

    anyway it wouldn't make the toilet any cleaner it would make it dirtier with dead hedgehog germs on it!!

  12. Dont say that, i have also use mine for removing mud off my shoes for ages.  lol

  13. as long as you did not kill it

    but the smell will change your mind after a day or so

  14. Depends: If you kill them to make them into loo brushes then yes it is.

    If their road kill then no way, scrub away toilet man.

  15. I doubt it, probably not, but made me smile anyway. Maybe a boot scraper?

  16. Don't forget to remove before sitting down. HedgeHog police!

  17. No but ever so messy

  18. I tried this once., but it slipped of the end of the stick and blocked the toilet. It cost me 70 quid for a plumber.

  19. dead badgers last longer

  20. nah its roadkill you would be better eating them with you're uncle dad and 'sister' ; if you want to clean your toilet there is much technology gone into this if you can get to a shop or a 'store' they can furnish with such items.

  21. Of course not.  How else do you thing bears clean their toilets in the forests ??? !!!!!

  22. If they are dead already, and you weren't the cause of their death it's not. And it pretty good idea! There's lots of them on the road in front of my house, and nobody ever bothers to do something with them;)

  23. As long as the hedgehog died of natural causes then i'm sure it'll be fine

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