
Is it illegal to use someone else's NUS card number to get a discount online?

by  |  earlier

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How would they ever find out and what are the consequenses?




  1. Yes, it is a form of fraud. they can catch you by tracing the info back to the billing information that you provide, so then they will know who you are.

  2. I really wouldn't worry about it.

    If the other person gives you permission to use the NUS number to get a discount online, then that's fine.  The company selling the product is hardly going to call the police because someone purchased something from them.

    Now I wouldn't be using their number on a government web site or to misrepresent your identity.  But if you are buying an item from a company and they need an NUS to offer a discount, it's not a big deal, if you have permission.

  3. Yes it is.

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