
Is it illegal to use someone elses pictures as your pictures?

by  |  earlier

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can you find a picture on the internet and use it as your sign in picture for a myspace playlist




  1. nope.

  2. Yes, I believe you can, as long as it doesn't have someones likeness on it. You can use a sign, or symbol, word etc. as long as it isn't patented or being used by a major company.

  3. no way. you think people put images on google to have people not use them? do whatever you want with whatever picture you want. any picture on google you can call yours

  4. nope its not. i stole my gf pics from her myspace and they are on my myspace. so no its not illegal.

  5. no not realy why would it be.

  6. probably is legal as long as you give credit to the cite you found it on

  7. no as long as ur not using them to make a fool out of them or blackail them

  8. It's not illegal.

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