
Is it illegal to walk on the side of a highway in Illinois?

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I have no car and I have to work in another city which might take atleast 2hrs to walk but part of it I have to enter highway road. Someone said it is illegal to walk on a highway. This highway is not a chicago or newyork highway. There is a lot of grass where i can walk without scaring the cars.




  1. It is illegal to walk along a highway in every state, and also along roads where there is no sidewalk. But you probably won't get arrested because the police aren't going to bother with someone walking around that looks destitute.

  2. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to walk along any highway, but if there is alto of grass or a field you could probably get away with it.  If you get caught5 plead ignorance.

  3. it is in florida...i dont know if that helps you though

  4. have you look into pulblic transit? you might take public transit

    and save yourself wear and tear on your shoes

    and in some states you can walk on the highway facing traffic

    so you can see the traffic coming towards you)

  5. It is illegal to walk on limited access highways.  These are designed to move vehicles quickly from Point A to Point B with minimal intereference from pedestrian traffic.  Limited access highways are the ones with on and off ramps, and cross streets that don't open onto the roadway, either going above or below.

    If it's not a limited access highway, you can walk on it, whether there's a sidewalk or not.  WIthout a sidewalk, just make sure you're walking into traffic.

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