
Is it illegal to watch tv shows on and will ur internet service find out about it?

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is it illegal to watch tv shows on and will ur internet service find out about it?




  1. It is to watch movies that are still in theaters or are on DVD. But your internet service won't find out about it.

  2. Uh, no.  Actually, it made it to a list of best websites to replace TV!  That tells you right there!  It's not illegal!  Don't worry.  OK?

  3. who cares and no one is actually checking

  4. Hi,

    It depends on the laws of your area. I doubt you will get in any trouble for just watching the tv episodes online.



  5. I dunno I went there and? I got nothing! I think there working on the site or something... if can watch t.v. there that would be awsome!

    usally you and your computer should only be able to obtain IP addresses if you went there. I dont see how they would know unless it pull's alot of bandwith. I dunno

  6. I dont think it's illegal. i do it sometimes and nothing has happened to me.

  7. no and no

  8. i hope not cuz thats a wicked site !!!!

  9. Its illegal for the website but you cant getin trouble.

  10. If your not paying, it's probably illegal yeah, as for your service finding out, I doubt they will care, if they did, they would have blocked the sites.

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