
Is it illigal to cram somthing big in your trunk, strap it down, and ride with it partially hanging out?

by  |  earlier

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for example a lawnmower that is to big to just fit in the trunk of my car, can i have it partially hanging out and strapped down without being pulled over, or anything thats to big to fit in a small cars trunk.




  1. All the previous answers are correct.  I have done this often and also on my roof.  It must be secure and not in the path of any other traffic.  It is wise to place a red plastic square or a orange triangle on the back of the area to warn traffic that follows you.  You can find plastic sheets at places like Lowes hardware or the orange triangles at farm supplies.

  2. no

  3. yes as long as its tied up and cant fall

  4. The whole thing surrounds the area of public safety...

    Is your actions or even inaction's will result is an injury to you or the public?

    If you made an effort to assure that the load that your carrying will not cause harm and abide by the local laws in your area (this includes the RED flag on items longer than 36" out of the vehicle) you should not be hassled by local authority.  

    By going the extra effort on your part, this will reflect your concern of the public safety.  Sometimes this is all we can do, and even so, this guarantees nothing in the judgemental view of an officer.  

  5. No, But tie a Bright Red strip of cloth to it as a warning to those driving behind you..

  6. It depends on where you live, but generally, your load must be safely secured so it can't fall out, it cannot stick out into another lane of traffic or extend over the side of the roadway and the brake lights on your car must be completely visible.

    You may also have to put something on it like a red cloth to draw attention to the fact that it is sticking out.

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