
Is it imaginable that Princess Diana was assassinated by agents of "dark forces", said agents trying to fulfil

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  1. I really believe it was just an accident, the driver had too much to drink and was driving way to fast.

  2. Yes of course it is, you of all people would know that.

    Fark Dorces, is your man.

  3. or it was just a show that they pertrayed for she can go live in peace some were with out the media all over her

  4. No Dianna was (unfortunate ) killed in a car accident

    as the word implies

    no one's fault

    the route and time of departure were just up to "fate" or Dodie

    I feel for the family

    how about we just let them rest in peace

  5. Everything stunk about what happened the night Diana died...Fayed's security detail was over run by Dodi's commands, Diana turned away protection from Buckingham Palace, which they had offered her, the driver was drinking, and neither Dodi nor Diana was wearing a seatbelt. Combine that with high rates of speed, and poor judgement, you wind up with a crash. Had Diana been scooped and ran in the US fashion, she most likely would have lived, that other than the tear in the aeorta, she had only suffered a broken bone or two. One must partially blame the Paris Emergency Services trying to stablize someone in her condition in the back of an ambulance.

  6. Never in your wildest dreams. She died by a combination of 2 things. Being chased by the paparazzi as a result the driver, who had been drinking, was going too fast and crashed.

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