
Is it immoral for a doctor to date one of his patients?

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Is it? Why or why not?




  1. There are circumstances in which it shouldn't be done, but there's no general restriction. In a reductio ad absurdum, suppose I'm a family physician in Left Butcheek, MT, a hundred miles from the next doctor. Am I to play with myself my entire life, or order a wife from Russia over the internet?

    And if my girlfriend has a bladder infection, is she not to be treated because of our relationship?

    There is no law and no rule so general, and the rules promulgated by the various state medical boards are often heavy-handed, for exactly the short-sighted reasons I've pointed out. A certain amount of flexibility is needed. I know some guys like the hypothetical one above who met their wives while in rural practice, and it seems urban people forget they aren't the whole world.

  2. yeah.

    its viewed as kinda like a teacher/student relationship.

  3. its preverted, a doc shouldnt look for dates at the job

  4. I think it's fine as long as it's not like a hobby haha if you just meet someone special you can't help how you meet them. People date people from work all the time and I've dated one of our clients while doing a conference so I guess that would make me immoral to hehe It might just be a little intimidating for the patient because you know there whole medical history and maybe have done some intimate check ups that take the mystery away hehe ... :)

  5. No I don't think it's immoral. I mean, it's the same as dating an everyday person right? Unless, your patient is married or way to young/old for you THEN I think it's immoral.

    Hope this was usefull


  6. I'm not a doctor so I don't know all the rules on this. I don't know if it is legal or not, but moraly I don't see anything wrong with it. Thats like saying vet's can't own dogs......

  7. It's a matter of opinion. It is illegal, however, for a psychiatrist to date a patient, but otherwise, what is immoral about being attracted to someone that just happens to be your doctor (or your patient)?

  8. NO........It's fine...

  9. It is not immoral, as long as the patient is the opposite s*x, however, there is a patient/doctor relationship which by law is not supposed to be breached and can be punishable by law. So it goes against the medical professional code and work ethic.

    If you want to date a doctor, just find another doctor to be your physician.

  10. It is not allowed. The board of medicine prohibits Doctors dating patients or former patients Don't believe me? Look it up!!

  11. it against the law i think but i don't see any reason against it. ifs just like going out with someone isn't it.... i don't see the difference  

  12. it really depends on how you look at it. it is unethical, though not illegal, but you cant help who you fall for. a sensible doctor would advise the person who he liked to find a new doctor first, and then they would be free to pursue a relationship

  13. Immoral probably isn't the word you're looking for, illegal might be.  Basically the moment a doctor begins a relationship with a patient beyond that of a "doctor/patient relationship", the doctor should refer the person to another doctor.  So to answer your question, yes it's illegal for a doctor to date patient, but any good doctor would have their patient moved to another doctor the moment that their relationship went past "doctor/patient".

  14. Yes, extremly unpleasant & un professional.

  15. I wouldn't say so,

    A doctor is a very busy person, they hardly have time to spend outside of home and most of them don't get much sleep.

    With that said, it's not uncommon for a doctor to only meet people they can have a relationship with at work, because work is basically their life.

    If people working at bars, restaurants, clothing stores etc meet girls/guys they end up dating why can't a doctor do the same? Because hes in a white robe and has seen what you haven't seen?

    Doctors are people to, and so are patients.

    I hope that answers your question, good luck :)

    EDIT: Oh also they should keep their relationships outside of work.

  16. i think it is fine if they do it out of the office and all but if the first date is set up because of a appointment then that is inappropriate. But besides that one instance it should be fine  

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