
Is it impolite for me to turn down a date proposition from a female coworker?

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When a woman asks nicely (she whispered in my ear that she wanted to have s*x with me), I basically had to say yes, didn't I? I think my wife, moo moo lovins' wouldn't want me to be impolite. I told her I'd meet her later at the Hilton. Sometimes you have to go the extra mile to be proper.




  1. Well you better with your wife first, you would hate to see your dinner get cold!  Never mind find you clothes out on the lawn, and the door locks changed.  Ever hear of a set up?

  2. So THATS why the sheets at the hilton glow under a black light!

  3. I hope she said please.  Be sure to say Thank you when you are done...its impolite not to.  

  4. If moo moo lovins' doesn't want you to be impolite, then by all means be polite to this woman. Have fun at the Hilton! Just don't forget to take some room service left overs home for moo moo!

  5. Don't forget to stay on the clock and collect overtime.  We all do it to please our bosses, you just aren't the one getting it in the rear this time.

  6. You have a wife? I think the answer is clear here then.

    If your wife was propositioned by a co-worker, what you want her to do?

  7. That's disgusting. You think being polite is cheating on your wife? You need to know when not to go the "extra mile". That's so far from proper. You have a twisted mind if you think it is. The co-worker who asked you should have been turned down, especially if she new you had a wife. I know if i was your wife, I'd leave you.

  8. Dude, where have you been? The only thing to really change here is the Hilton thing. Tell her yes but only if the Motel 6 is your meeting spot. That way you'll save on the room.  

  9. Absolutely. Especially if she's hot. Moo moo would be disappointed if you turned her down.

  10. Aw gee.  You sure don't want to be rude.  But I think you better get Moo Moo Lovins' to write out a permission slip.  You know how field trips can be.

  11. Don't forget the swim trunks. I could go for a big Frankfurter with all the toppings :-) Chicago style that is.  

  12. good for you,why yes it would be absolutely rude to shoot her down,if i were you i'd have moo moo luvins join in,,i would love it,,uhh,,you'd love it,,tell moo moo i said hey & i'll be late thanks your boss,

  13. ARE YOU NUTS????go talk to your wife about it maybe she will understand.If she would let you then she is f***ed up also.

  14. Don't go to the Hilton, go to a motel. You might bump into Moo Moo on the Buffet table.

  15. hey, way to go Miss Manners!

  16. Why, YES, yes it is impolite not to share the the man who is FRANK.

    I agree that you should do something less nice than the hilton.

    You really do not want to run into Moo moo's trustee.

       Unless of course he also understands that you are truly a man who is known about town and must uphold your reputation.

  17. I would love to meet you in person.  So I can kick you so hard in your privates that you can no longer have s*x.  Maybe that will help you selfish a*****e attitude when it comes to woman.

  18. Sorry to see it's a little slow at the office today.  Perhaps you could use your free time to get a life.

  19. You obviously do not have any respect for yourself or your wife and you have never established any type of morals or you would not be asking such a question.  It is such a waste of a good life you could be having to choose sin and adultry.  What a terrible situation you have created for yourself.  Where did you get lost and what ever happened to being a good person?  

  20. grow up. if you are not happy with your wife, divorce her, then you can do whatever you want.  men are so darn scared to say their feelings, they just rather do improper things and not think of the consequences.

  21. Who says that chivalry is dead? I think you have set a fine example.

    P.S. - Some of the answers to these types of "questions" illustrate quite well the idea that common sense is not, in fact, very common.

  22. have fun at the hilton.

  23. oink oink

  24.   its not nice to be rude, plus she asked nicely so I see no problem with it.. the one problem I see is the Hilton ...very classy,  Motel 6 would probably work just as well and same some $$...    I applaude your etiquette and politeness   carry on

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