
Is it important to get a "swaddler"?

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i.e. the SwaddleMe blanket or will just swaddling with normal blankets serve the purpose just as well. I don't want to register for a lot of unneccessary "fluff." Can't a receiving blanket folded right do the trick?




  1. A receiving blanket will do just as well, and you never know...your baby may not like to be swaddled.

  2. we got miracle blankets for our twins from and we have LOVED them, we still use them and our twins sleep so well and it calms them when fussy.

    sometimes they resist a little when you try to put them in the blanket but you just wait 3-5 seconds and try again and usually they will allow you to put them in the blanket. They so so well in them.

    I hate the swaddleme's

  3. no need..recieving bankets, or any baby blanket will do the trick..

  4. You can use a receiving blanket to swaddle your baby but a Swaddler is so much easier to use. I got two swaddlers and I used them a lot since I could never swaddle my baby tight enough. She would always get out of the receiving blanket swaddles and wake herself up. I used the swaddlers at night and it helped her sleep.

  5. I have to use 2 receiving blankets because the swaddle blankets aren't tight enough. My little guy wiggles right out of them. I swaddle him in one blanket and then re-swaddle with the second. I wrap him up good and tight and he sleeps much better! So, yes, a receiving blanket will do the trick!!

  6. What is with "swaddling" let your baby be free to move. He/she was in your womb moving freely and then you want to bind them up, seems totally unnatural to me. Babies love to kick and express themselves and wave their arms about. I wouldn't be happy strapped up and unable to move, why should your baby? The stuff of future psychotherapy sessions I fear.

    At night time just place him/her in their cot so sleep on their back, at the foot of the cot, with folded blankets/sheets up to the chest level only. I can't imagine waking up and not being able to move.

  7. I never had a swaddling blanket, I just used a normal blanket like they do in the hospital. Not all babies like swaddling either (my older 2 didn't) so it would be a waste of a gift if your little one doesn't.

  8. We've always used regular blankets to swaddle. As long as you know what you're doing then they work just as well.

  9. If your baby is born with arms they can get out of a swaddling blanket. The reason for the swaddle me is that it velcros in place, keeping baby more secure.

    I would register for a swaddleme above all else. My daughter could have lived without a crib or a changing table, but we would have never gotten through the first 2 months without a swaddle me.

  10. Receiving blankets work just fine for swaddling, and if your child doesn't like to be swaddled (mine hated it), then you've still got a blanket you can use for other things.

  11. Some babies like being swaddled, some babies hate it.

    Although a regular blanket works fine, I'd register for one swaddling blanket.

    If baby likes it, then you can go out and buy more.

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