
Is it important to learn to use the boogie board before learning to surf?

by Guest11031  |  earlier

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Can I just learn to surf without learning boogie boarding?

Is it really hard to learn it at 20 years old?




  1. you don't need to learn to use the boogie board.

    Just go in the water with your surfboard and have fun, that's what I like to do

  2. No you're not too old. Surfing can be learned at any age. You don't "play" against people, you aren't on a team... you're by yourself so you can be out there when are are 70 if you like.

    No, you don't need to boogie board first. The reason you may have heard that is just so you can get familiar with the ocean and how the waves work before surfing. It's much easier and you can ride the waves and kind of observe and learn before you head out to surf. By no means is it mandatory to learn before surfing though....

    But again, it does help to be familiar with the ocean. If you go out and aren't a strong swimmer, don't know what rip currents are, and can't read the waves very well, etc., you aren't going to do as well. Watch the waves, see how they break, when they break, where they break, look to where the water is more calm (channels), watch the other people surfing, swim around in the shorebreak.. etc. Just ways to increase your knowledge of the ocean, which can't hurt when learning a sport in it. Have fun!

  3. You may need to build up your swimming skills first. Being in the ocean is a lot harder than a pool; you need to learn how to paddle and try to catch a wave, and you will get sucked under it many times, so pls learn how to swim well first =)

  4. No, you can do just one or both. Its up to you. Surfing is harder but more fun. Surfing is also cooler than boogie boarding so I would learn to surf.

  5. Yes but  you can learn how to catch a wave boogie boarding without using swim fins; this will help you catch a wave surfing.  Both utilizing paddling to catch a wave but in boogieboarding you generally use swin fins, in surfing you don't.  I can do both but because of surfing laws and restrictions I generally boogieboard. Learn both and enjoy the ocean.

  6. The boogie board will certainly teach you how to read the surf but defiantly not essential for learning to surf.

    I started to surf over 50 years ago Boogie boards appeared about 25 years ago we learnt reading the sets through body surfing

    Perseverance is the answer

  7. Yes you can. Age doesn't matter. Fittment of your wet suit if required is very important. Find yourself and old long board, or a new one if your rich and breakers that are long and rolling. Like "Cowls" in Santa Cruz. Have FUN!!!

  8. why surf in the first place.... bodyboarding is way more fun (in my own opinion) althought i leaned how to surf before bodyboarding. Bodyboarding is way more fun check out what bopdyboarding can do at

  9. I think maybe you should learn to swim first. Then definitely no need for a bogie board whether you drown or not..dosnt matter. lol

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