
Is it impossible to get people who lived their whole lives in the welfare system off the system?

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Is it impossible to get people who lived their whole lives in the welfare system off the system?




  1. As long as politicians keep folks down to buy their votes, they will always feel entitled.  What a waste.

  2. Basically, yes! Well, as long as a certain left-wing, tax and spend afflicted, appeasement-minded party makes this an issue to draw a voter base. The prescribed goal of unemployment benefits was initially to help people along who had fallen on hard times. Now it is treated like a reward in exchange for political loyalty! It seems more logical to train (those who are able to work) and provide job placement for people while allowing them to draw welfare benefits. The pivotal word here is... LOGICAL!

    TO JAMES: Agreed! Some people cannot face facts and deflect criticism by changing the subject.

  3. What we need to focus on is not the people currently on welfare, but their children.  Welfare is a necessary evil, not everyone can support themselves, and very few if given the choice would choose welfare over a decent paying job.

    If we reform our education system to help those schools serving poor areas to improve the educational opportunites for the poor, we would see our welfare rolls diminish.  Unless you are counting those receiving social security checks as welfare, then no, it will only increase.

  4. Clinton kicked all sorts of people off of Welfare when he was in.  Clinton was the best president that the republicans ever had.  Odd they'd spend so much time trying to impeach him.

  5. Yes, especially considered one is only eligible for TANF (which is what we commonly refer to as Welfare) for 5 years.

  6. yes, it sure is. Some have been in the welfare system through several generations.  I see no end to this.

  7. Absolutely..the key is to give them incentives to self-support such as, I don't know, ceasing their benefits. Hunger can be quite the incentive!  As many social programs stand, it is much easier to continue to be part of the problem than part of the answer--why get a job when you have free housing, free food, and free medical? A perfect example of this type of success story is Star Parker, director of CURE-coalition for urban renewal and education.  She is an educated black woman, a conservative and a Christian, so most would rather condemn her than recognize her achievements. I encourage you to go to her website and research her story and CURE.

    She has an excellent book titled, "Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats", which examines this very issue; it is her story about going from Welfare cheat to successful business woman and social policy analyst.

    ***EDIT*** Sorry, I misspoke--I thought the question was "is it possible...." In that case, my answer is no, it's not impossible

  8. Providing education and social awareness is the key factor. Give a man a fish, you'll have to feed him for life. Teach a man to fish, and he'll feed himself for life. Opportunities are presented to us everyday. Its our own responsibility to reach out and grab them when available.

  9. Sure, but you have to end it. You have to suspend the benefits for people to do something else. It is wonderful to see people who have been kicked off of welfare. They really have no idea what is available out in the real world. Their lives are transformed.

  10. "Forget War...." is exactly right. Five years life-time. And they have to work, go to school or volunteer while receiving benefits.  Now who are you going to blame your low self-worth on?

  11. Just about. Once corporations get used to special tax deductions, tax abatements, government bail-outs, low cost government loans, offshore tax shelters, special tax loopholes and government tax incentives, the wealthy elitists, corporate executives, lobbyists and special interest groups find it difficult to wean themselves off the government teat.     -RKO-  07/13/08

  12. dude y get off welfair its free money

  13. Next to it, but it should be possible.

  14. Yes, just as soon as the leopard changes its spots.

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