I have some old books, which have either dust or mold in them, or apparently don't even have anything in them, but are old and every time I touch them, I immediately feel itchy everywhere on my body, especially on my back.
This is what I have tried, but my body still itches A LOT::
* Erasing each mold spot with a rubber eraser, very hard, to the extent of even tearing off the stained part of the page
* Applying medicinal alcohol with a dampen cloth, until the affected area is very wet
* Same as above, using drugstore peroxide
* Leaving the books in the sun, for several hours
* Microwaving the books on the highest power setting, for more than a minute, to the point where the books are about to catch fire (then I stop the microwave).
* Spraying Lysol on the affected pages first, and then almost everywhere else (at least the books smell good now, but the itching is the same or even worse).
Please suggest solutions, don´t simply say something useless like "discard the books"