
Is it inappropriate for an apartment complex security guard to ask for personal information?

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My apartment complex has a rent-a-cop type security guard that patrols the property during the night, and sometimes I take my dog for a walk in the middle of the night if he has to go outside. Last night he asked me my name, apartment number, and birth date. Because he said he likes to gather that information on all the residents and keep it in his notebook.

Well, I didn't want to be a jerk, so I told him my name and apartment #, but I would not give him my birthdate. I don't think he needs that, and who knows where his little pocket notebook could end up.

But then I got to thinking it was really inappropriate for him to ask residents for this private information at all, unless there's a problem. But just to stop people and ask for such information for no reason seems like a violation to me. Does this seem right?




  1. All seem fine questions to ask for, including the dob.  He is just doing his job and having this information might help him out in the future.

    I think you are being a bit paranoid.

  2. Speak with management.

  3. Well, would you feel like it was a violation if the security officer asked for someone's information who didn't belong in the complex, like a burglar, rapist or vandal?

    It's his job to monitor the complex. He probably makes a record of the people he meets on a nightly basis in case there is a problem and he needs to tell police or management who might have been there that didn't belong or whether or not there might have been witnesses.

    And if you are that concerned about his actions, ask your landlord if that is part of his job and have them explain why.

  4. It's his job to make sure the people wandering at night in the apartment complex is a resident.  Otherwise anyone walking their dog could wander in and then a friend might be breaking into apartments.  I dont' think asking name and apartment number was out of line. He will just put it in his nightly report along with anything else he obseved.

  5. Def seems a little creepy to me!

    The BEST thing to do is today go to your apt complex office and speak to the manager. Ask them if he is supposed to be doing that and ask them why he wants random personal info. And then tell them that you dont feel comfortable with doing that unless there is a solid reason to.

    Are you a female? That would totally freak me out if a male rent a cop was trying to find out personal info on me......

  6. How else would you prove you live there?  Are you taking all your ID and a recent electrical bill out when you go for a walk?  A crook could snag your mail and have your name and apartment number, but it's unlikely that he'll know your birthdate.

    A smart criminal would patrol apartment complexes with his Doberman and do his best to look like an ordinary resident.  I'd rather have my security guard ask me to identify myself than allow some guy to walk his dog in the middle of the night and later rob my house.

  7. You could lie about what apartment you live in. So it would make since him wanting to know your name and b-day. If crime is bad in your neighborhood, you should feel glad he is doing his job to protect the residents there.


  9. He doesn't have the right to ask any of that information except maybe your name but even then he is not a police officer so you do not have to 'hand' that info over. Don't worry about coming off as a 'jerk' 'cause you don't know if that guy is staking the complex out, is a murder/rapist etc. I know that seems extreme but it's a f**ked up world we live in.  

  10. No, it doesn't seem right. I could see him getting a list of names and apartment numbers, to sort out who belongs where, and possibly who doesn't belong at all, but to ask for a birth date is way beyond what he needs to know.

    I think I would dash off a letter to the proprietor of this establishment and tell him what is going on.  With a birth date, all sorts of information can be gleaned from the Internet and from other sources. I don't think I'd trust this man and his "notebook."

  11. I agree with you.  He might have been ok to ask you which apartment you lived in if he hadn't seen you before, but he didn't need to know your name or birth date.

  12. I think you did the right thing.  If he asks for your DOB again, ask him why he needs it.... I could see why he'd ask for your name & apartment number, obviously making sure you live there and have a reason to be on the property.  I'm not sure why he'd need your DOB though.

  13. Call the security company and ASK, don't complain, but merely ask if this is normal procedure.

    I use to be a security guard years ago and fact is, you should know who's who in the building that you are being paid to protect, if not by name at least where they live ( what apartment,) just in case something happens.

    This was in Miami where you had alot of seniors and well, things happen, particularly when people like yourself, walked there dogs at night or early in the morning which usually meant they had no I.d. on them.

    But to ask your age?  Just to give him the benefit of the dought I would have to say hes trying to hard.

    Security is Boring as heck job.

    I would, just to be on the safe side, call the security company.  

  14. It's not being a jerk to refuse to surrender personal information to someone who is a complete stranger and not a police officer.  

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