
Is it inevitable, that the knuckle-scraping comments emerge after an old firm game ?

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Going by the comments on this forum since Sunday, should we be resigned to the fact that decency will go out of the window following an old firm game ?

As a Rangers fan, I would much rather be happy that my team won on the park, and deserved to.

Who in their right mind thinks that Lennon or anyone else for that matter being assaulted makes it 'better' or 'worse' ?

Or disrespecting the memory of the deceased ?

Both sides are guilty of it, yet both accuse the other of being solely responsible. Then you get the mass accusations, that every fan of either side is guilty of whatever the unsavoury event in question happens to be ?

That, my friends, is bigotory in itself. Condemning folk as guilty by association smacks of n**i Germany !!!

I don't take kindly to being 'tagged', on the one hand I know better, but to be publicly condemned with no foundation gets my back up.

I am beginning to think that the best result from an old firm game is a draw, that way the knuckle-scrapers have less to crow about.

Have people forgotten that football is a sport ?




  1. i think erra said it all really...i will admit it gets my back up when rangers fans get slagged constantly, when we all know..every team has its moronic for the neil lennon incident its all hearsay it was sectarian...i suppose its the easy option for some though

  2. U.P i think your getting all wound up about human nature here, look on any forum board, fitbaw ,cars,or chat ect,,its all the same.. what i will say is if i`m provoked by untruths or twisted assumptions i`ll answer with the contempt it deserves ,i will not stand by on some things a let anyone decry my heritage culture or religion.because of this you`ll note i get mair pellters than most,, but i never ask, i only answer after provocation and that's the way it going to be .

    i thought the booing was sad but on the other hand i was at Ibrox on the day celts jeered the memory of the people who died in the IBROX disaster..two wrongs dont make a right but  fitbaw fans never forgets we have all heard the saying, "fitbaw fans are worse than kids in a play ground "that didny come about from fans exchanging pleasantries

  3. I dont follow the hatred, which is easy because I am not scottish, english, welsh, or irish and even if I were, I wouldn't bother. I just enjoy watching SPL and supporting Celtic.

    On a side note, I was a child during our race wars of the late 60's and early 70's here in the states. Never understood why it happened until I grew up a bit. Things have changed so much in 30 years. racisim is still a problem here, and always will be, its the evil that men do. Arabs vs Christians, whites vs blacks, Catholics vs Protestant, so on and so forth. Glad Im agnostic : )

    Good post though, some of the posts I read here make sense, some dont, yours does

  4. (winding up rangers fans is a sport)

    oh aye when i was brought up i was told :-

    'when you fly with the crows you get shot with the crows'

  5. Ultra well put

    Erra well said

    maybe in time

    we can hit it on the head

  6. Yes it is and I for one am ashamed of some of the comments that have been made by so called rangers fans in here.Banter about the game is fine but when it comes to comments about child abuse,mocking the dead and practically congratulating the morons who attack other people because of a game then is has gone too far.

    In the end the fans are the ones that can help stop it,why didn't other rangers fans take the banner down at the game,when things get thrown other fans are around them and see what happens why don't they tell someone.We as fans have a duty to get rid of the idiots in the grounds and that is where we have to start.Until we all make a stand against these people it will continue.

    Obviously in here there's not a lot we can do in here but ignore them and just not answer their question or comment on their answers.

  7. here here.  

    ive heard it on both sides so accusing us bears only of being bad is wrong.

    i saw plenty of nasty stuff from the tims yesterday and its not surprising theres as much guff from some bluenoses today.

    equally there was good comments made from both sides.

    as for lennon, when you have someone who stands on a park and calls us DOB's, you can hardly expect the more aggresive commenters for not giving a toss about him and enjoying him getting a doing.  A member of the orange order would find that deeply offensive, as would some if i called them a fenian b for flying a tricolor.  doesnt make it right he got a doing, but learn to appreciate both sides - lennon is no angel.  but he didnt deserve a doing - and likewise, Rangers fans dont deserve to be blamed for someone getting into a scrap on a night out.  

    as for the comments about the deceased well thats another ball game.  i heard plenty about davie cooper back in the day, back when bigotry was rife and commonplace in glasgow, with no restriction on what people could say.

    but hey, lets get down to what matters here, and it isnt point scoring, nor is it lennon getting a fat lip, nor is it the passing of Tommy Burns (Rest In Peace).

    Its this ingrained hatred so many have of the other side and their holier than thou attitudes which say they are perfect and the other side is scum.

    its those who slag off Big Jock, those who slag off Gough.  Those who go on about Manchester like their side are well behaved, and equally, those who tell about what really happened in Seville... but wont for one moment consider their own side to have a bad element.

    the scum who post such guff on here all the time with no consideration for their own bad lot are the problem.

    it is not an exclusive problem.  the very ones who say "scotlands shame" are exactly that for that reason.  thinking YOU are better than everyone else, because you wear another colour of shirt.

    bring on the thumbs down, lets see how many of the bigots from both sides are on here.  cos i couldnt care less.

  8. As Bluenose said I am ashamed of what some so called Celtic fans write on here...the t1t who comes on and tarnishes the memory of people who died in the Ibrox disaster etc...

    those are not fans, they are cowards who hide behind a screen and go to football matches in a group to be vile.

    if we eradicate the bigotry and idiots we can argue and banter all night long..but sadly there are times when I walk away as I am disgusted by some Celtic fans.

    if you ever see me write anything like that then feel free to shoot me as should happen to those who already do.

  9. well said have a star ! football is only a game that lasts 90 minutes life is ongoing

  10. You're right in what you say but unfortunately the knuckle draggers don'tcare to much of the result they're behavior will be the same no matter what.

    and a thumbs up from me to erra

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