
Is it inevitable that the human race will destroy the earth, human kind and many other species as well?

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Leaving the earth a desolate polluted planet? On the upside, it will give way to new species that can survive in the destroyed earth and a new era will begin anew.




  1. the earth is not going anywhere we are

  2. yes that is if us humans don't get on the ball.

    we need to have a change in conciseness and think about our world as a living,breathing entity and help her restore her to the way she was before humans were so greedy, then maybe earth will survive a little longer. because our sun is a star and it will one day turn into a big red giant and when that happens it will burn up the entry solar system in 15 million years form how.

  3. Take heart---many scientists believe that it is the house cat that has proven to be the one of the most adaptable creatures on Earth, so that when the human race has finally destroyed itself and maybe a lot of other species along with it, cats like you will take over and become the new dominant species.  Mark your calendar.

  4. Unfortunately more than likely.  Unfortunately we have greated a situation in which we have bombs that can destroy the world at least ten times over and way too many trigger fingers in charge of them.  We move nuclear wastes on a regular basis basically giving enough radiation for an x-ray each time the containers pass to wide areas.  We are also killing animalks and organisms at an astronomical rate many of which are benificial to earth and humans in various ways.  It was all porphesied.  I'm not so worried about it though.  I predict the world ending in a big bang.

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