
Is it inpolite to ask someone to get ready at theres before a party?

by Guest61742  |  earlier

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i go to boarding school so its hard for me to get up to the partys i usually have to ask a freind to get ready at theres before! not usualy much trouble, but theres this party i really wanna go to, and like my besties arent going and i have a friend that i wanna ask to get ready at hers before it, but i always ask her and i dont want to sound rude, basically is it rude to ask or should you wait to be asked??!!




  1. what?

  2. Wow, not sure what language your question is in, so I guess I'll have to just say, huh?

    Edit: Okay, thank you for the English translation.

    Since she always says it is no problem, just ask her again. Make sure you thank her and it would be nice if afterward you sent her a thank you card for her hospitality. And in the card, right a short note that you feel guilty about not being able to return the favor, and that you really appreciate her kindness.

  3. If you're worried about inconveniencing your friend, why not bring a hostess gift and a thank you card.  That will show her your gratitude for allowing you to come early and get ready at her place.  Flowers, cookies, bath soaps/lotion, something simple should suffice.

    To answer your last question, if you think you are bugging your friend too much, then the party might not be worth it.  What's more important to you, a party or your friendship?  There will always be other parties, but if your friend feels taken advantage of then she might not want you to come over anymore.  

    If you do ask, make sure she is really okay with it and try to be a good guest.  Let her know how much you appreciate her and do your best not to get into another fight.

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