
Is it insenstive to ask a girl whether she is on her period??

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above question. a big old insentive div box who needs a big old smack in the nose asked it. says yes and i'll give you best answer




  1. yes!

  2. It is.

    I would have answered "No and you'd rather not stick around until I get it -- I'm rancorous."

  3. i guess if you're a boy, it's a little embarrassing for the girl to tell him. but if a girl is asking, i guess it's ok

  4. It really depends how you ask. If you just shout it out across the room the yes, it is insensitive, but if you ask it quietly and with a reason, then it's not. It depends on the situation and how well you know the girl.

  5. It depends of course. What was the purpose of asking it in the first place?

    Comfort? Concerned?

  6. yes that is so rude!

  7. My female roommate always tells me herself...

    I like to have the advance warning... as bitchiness usually follows, so it lets me know to keep my distance...

    personally... I wouldn't ask myself...

  8. Yes, and provocative, and rude.

  9. yess

  10. Yes it is.

    Silly people. x

  11. If its a friend of yours then no i wouldnt think it to be rude.  Depends on the type of relationship that you have.  Most the time if you are close than its ok to ask it..

    If your asking in a rude way than of course it is..

    I mean whats the big deal anyways, we have periods once a month around the same time..   Its no big deal and shouldnt be a HUGE secret or a no no conversation..

    I'd say just make sure that the other person is as comforable as you are. :)

  12. To me yeah it is, because it's your own personal thing, if they want to bring it up then that's okay but people shouldn't go around asking.

  13. Who asked you this? I didn't  understand what you typed. Yes, I'd say it's too nosey to ask a person this, especially if you don't know her. I mean, why would they need to know?

  14. hehe! It is a little rude.

    My Husband asks me all the time & I ask him whether he is on his. lol!

    I don't really care. People ask me strange personal things all the time. If I don't want to answer I give a smart asss comment back.

  15. yes, i hate when people ask that! it is usually asked because they think you are in a bad mood, and like that will explain everything. most of the time they ask, i am NOT on my period! The need to mind their own business.

  16. depepends who you are talking to...if it is a close friend then it is ok but if not then it is not ok

  17. Well its a good way to get smacked.

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