
Is it instinctive for meat-eaters to tell us that "they don't eat that much meat themselves..." ?

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Allow me to explain myself. I'm sure all of you long-term vegans/(vegetarians) can relate with this. Whenever someone finds out you eat this way, they instinctively tell you "Oh, you know, we don't eat that much meat ourselves..." or... "Oh, we don't eat red meat. We try to eat vegetarian most of the time."

Yet we know that these are the same people who have low-fat bacon strips & eggs for breakfast, a lean turkey sandwich from Subway for lunch, and ground meat for supper.

So, please answer my question:

Is it instinctive for meat-eaters to tell us that "they don't eat that much meat themselves..." ?




  1. nope. when i told my last girlfriend that i was a vegan she started talking about how much she loves meat. she's a vegan now, figures.  

  2. Why does it bother you so much?  We don't advertise we are "meat-eaters", so why must you advertise you aren't? By the way, why do you call us meat-eaters, and not' meatatarians'.  Can we call you veggie-eaters instead of vegetarians?  All this commotion over what someone eats, or doesn't eat is getting pretty ridiculous.  If people want to eat meat, they shouldn't have to feel guilty about it.

  3. I used to be like that, but now, after having done some research on diet and nutrition, you won't hear me say that. In fact, I am probably more likely to say that I eat too many carbohydrates and not enough meat and animal fat.

  4. Yes because for many people, it is instinctive to tell the truth.

    But is it instinctive for a certain "vegan" to create an account named "Christine" or "Kristie/Christie" or "Ashley" but use the same avatar?  

  5. Yes, because we don't want to get a sermon about it.

    Is it OK to be truthful with you without getting a 100 thumbs down?

    Well I am being truthful and some of my best friends are vegetarians a vegans and I have to tell them I cut down or I will have no peace in my life (:-

    I still love em though ( I also love the meat though).

    I came from a family of butchers and that's all I knew.

  6. No. No one has ever done that to me. To you either i'll bet. Is it instinctive to be a troll?

  7. whenever i tell someone I'm a vegetarian they usually say "I eat meat but I love vegetables."

  8. I never deny the fact that I am a carnivore. I like to eat meat every meal. Bacon for breakfast, ham or tuna sandwich for lunch, and a nice juicy steak for dinner. I feel no need to try and make anyone else care about what I eat. You can have all the veggies you like, it leaves more red meat for me. So there.

  9. Yeah, meat-eaters are sick of being lectured and having people like you look down on them for doing something that's instinctive!

    You even address this question to vegeterian people by saying "You can relate" so keep on with your ways and let the rest of the world enjoy their ways.

    Eating meat or not is a personal choice.

  10. I think most meat eaters (myself included) just dislike being criticized for doing what comes naturally to them (eating meat) as it happens so often, especially online, and the conversations never change one bit.

    oh... just noticed that jc said the exact same thing... seems it's true huh?

  11. ok..seriously..i dont eat that much meat..we eat red meat maybe once a week.which is ground hamburger in whatever..we dont eat pork.steak..really any red meat..we eat chicken maybe twice a week..and that's about it... i eat maybe one serving of meat a day..

  12. Not me. My wife and I eat meat at least twice a day, at lunch and dinner, and sometimes at breakfast, too. (I love eggs Benedict!) For dinner this evening we had a rock Cornish game hen stuffed with wild rice, some broccoflower, a decent red wine, and a lovely big piece of perfect watermelon. (And while I was waiting for dinner I chomped on a carrot.)

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