
Is it ironic or just stupid for Obama fans to point out Palin's "lack of experience" when Obama has the same?

by Guest65834  |  earlier

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I mean, really, do they WANT TO keep the whole "Obama's just an empty suit!" story going indefinitely? They don't seem to realize that 20% of the electorate has yet to make up their minds and when it comes down to pulling the lever in the voting booth a lot of folks go on gut feel.

And that gut feel includes what they know about the candidates and how qualified they think those candidates are to lead the country (and the world). Given Obama's truly remarkable lack of conventional and relevant qualifications, it seems to me that his fans would want to steer away from the issue of Palin's own qualifications for a job she may well never have.

But I suppose the old Dem double-standard dies hard, doesn't it? In this case it goes like this:

1 - It's okay to have a black Dem President who's a total lightweight, and

2 - It's not okay to have a female Rep VP who's a total lightweight.

It's amazing how that crowd continually and flat-out refuses to exercise the kind of logical consistency expected of middle school students, isn't it? It would be sad and pathetic if it weren't so predictable.




  1. Lol, I love it, apparently in the mainstream media it's okay to point out a VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES lack of experience, but not the lack of experience by the one actually running for PRESIDENT!

  2. Exactly, and the one they have with less experience is running for the top spot.  The criticisms about her being unknown are laughable as well.  Libs...

    Raising McCain, '08

  3. I agree. But, McCain has been saying that Obama is not experienced enough. So, I felt it was kind of hypocritical for him to choose her. I realize she is for VP, not president. But, I am not happy with his choice. They are all stupid.

  4. I think that Obama hit it out of the park last night when he made the statement that this election is about what the American people want in 2008. Bringing a right- wing, gun-packing, soccer-mom from Alaska onboard as a Vice Presidential candidate in hopes of pulling the Clinton vote appears to be "Carl Rove" business as usual and another insult to the voters of this nation on the part of the GOP. McCain and the rest of the Republicans really don't get it this time. What do we have to show for the past eight years of Republican control of the White House? We have an economy in the tank, a dismal decline in U S standing around the world, an unnecessary war Iraq for the benefit big oil, and a government that has been the most unresponsive to the electorate in the history of this nation since that of Herbert Hoover. The packed house in Mile High Stadium and the 35 million television viewers that watched Obama's speech last night should provide the Republican Party with a clue as to its aspirations for maintaining the Presidency. We're eight years overdue for a change and a McCain/Palin ticket isn't itThere is NO way any Clinton supporters are going to support McCain just because he picked a women. Clinton supporters will never support someone as right-wing and "out of the mainstream" as Paulin. Her husband is in big oil and she is against equal pay for women, a women's right to chose and g*y rights. She is Bush in a dress with NO experience in foriegn affairs, she has not met any foriegn leaders and with John McCain's age and health the fact that this completely inexpericed women could someday be president is unacceptable and frightning. This is not change this more of the same and enough is enough. VOTE OBAMA/Biden

  5. Well, I think when they point out Palin's inexperience, they are trying to invalidate arguments that Obama is too inexperienced.  

  6. Obama has 2 full terms in the State senate and one term in the national Senate.

    His VP has extensive foreign policy experience.

    Obama's not likely to die in Office, so the team complements each other.

    McCain could die in office - it's very likely he will.

    HIS VP has ZERO national experience - she's a total neophyte.  She has 2 years experience in State politics in a state so far removed from mainstream America she could be from a different country.

    She has NO foreign policy experience.  Zero. Zip. Nada.

    She could shortly be under indictment for influence-peddling.

    And she could be your President in a short while.

    Her purpose in the campaign is to be the "token woman", a desperate attempt to grab ex-Hillary supporters.

    McCain could not have made a worse choice.

  7. alaska=off shore drilling

    think about it

    nothing else goes on in alaska except moose hunting (which palin is an expert at apparently)  

  8. It's neither ironic nor stupid. They are attempting to point out the hypocrisy of McCain running on this platform of "Oh, I'm so much more experienced than Obama," then appointing someone with less experience than Obama as his VP.

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