
Is it ironic that some of the Texas supporters of the Boarder Wall will get walled out?

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A Boeing-run contractor for Homeland security has helped decide the course of the new Boarder Wall through Texas. Numerous properties will end up on the "Mexico" side. Is the personal realization of what that wall will mean to Texans ironic? Or perhaps this is simply another example of people understanding what government for profit really means?




  1. Isn't it too bad our border nation to the south just can't respect our laws, that would solve this whole building of the wall thing.

  2. What about that 57 million thats going to be spent on a wall on the San Diego CA border?  

  3. next time don't build in Mexico if your an American company.

    Take is as a lesson learned, now lets get this wall build, no mas anchor babies.

  4. A link would have made this an interesting question, but no... it is not ironic.  And in fact, some of those folks asked to be left on the Mexican Side of the river.  

    A link is critical.

  5. I think Diablo pretty much said it, for 87% of the US tax payers. We are done. DONE! Any good tax paying American is writing their senators and congressmen, thats what America does. And if that fails, well, some take matters into their own hands.......the comparison with Kuwait was a far one lmfao! Ya got a star just so I can see what smart people say, well tomorrow, its the US answers I wish to see.

  6. they are the first american victims of the wall....  some of those lands have been in texan families for generations. but, that doesnt bother some ppl cuz its only texas, right? its not effecting you.......yet!   hey, we wanted a wall. you know what the germans did to the wall of sorts that the french erected after ww1 (the maginot line)? they went around it!! lol we fault the europeans from not learnig from the recent past but we havent learned cant build a wall that ppl wont go over or around...esp when americans need their drug fix,cheap labor and someone to blame.

  7. That's actually one of the only correct uses of the word ironic I've heard in a while.

    Anyway, we shouldn't be building walls.  We should be building bridges.

  8. They wanted it! and now they are really going to get it.

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