
Is it irresponsible behavior when someone has multiple abortions?

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Some women have had multiple abortions. Would it have not been more responsible to just abstain from s*x or use birth control? Human life is dignified, has great worth or it is precious.




  1. I am a complete proponent of a woman's right to choose, however, having multiple abortions (on the surface), may be slightly irresponsible.

    Having said that however, it is possible that the method of birth control being used failed. Perhaps there were other circumstances that led to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc, abortions.

    Basically, don't just judge a book by its cover.

  2. This one would think that such person might well consider the implications of what they have done and might be intending to do again in view of the respect due to all life and the obvious fact that as soon as the sperm and the egg merge into one, with a complete genetic pattern, life has begun.

    Perhaps having their tubes tied might be a better or possibly wiser choice for all concerned.

  3. Thats horrible!

    I dont even think one abortion is acceptable but sometimes it has to be done but once you go past one, then something is wrong and they need to take control of their lives.

  4. YES!

  5. People shouldnt be allowed to have multiple abortions. They need to close their f***ing legs is what they need to do!!!!!

  6. I believe that if you are not ready to have a child, abortion is alright especially if you are underage or quite young. The worst thing you could possibly do is bring a child into the world if it is unwanted or if you unable to care for it.

    if you have had multiple abortions it may mean you have a problem with committment (if the foetus's have had different fathers) you should probably invest in some condoms or the pill or both, I can't imagine how much stress each pregnancy has caused you and you may look back and regret it.

    abstinance is probably not the answer because you aren't controlling your problem by stopping completely

  7. yes.  Having one abortion is irresponsible, but having multiple is even worse.  The reason humans ( and animals alike) have s*x is for reproduction purposes (not saying that that is the only reason people do it...obviously) so why should someone be surprised if they are doing it and get pregnant?  That's how it works!!!  Even if they were on birth control and got pregnant that is absolutely no reason to get an abortion.  If a women thinks she is responsible/old enough to have s*x then she needs to accept the consequences of that, no matter what.

    Edit: I don't quite agree with the above statement about what are acceptable reasons for abortion, because I only think they should if it is certain that one or both of them will die if they go through with the birth.  If it is going to be born into poverty, give it up for adoption.  If it is from a rape, give it up for adoption.  A child should not be killed because the sins of their parents.

    Edit again:  Thom K (a couple replies down) is a moron.  no, people should not just be having s*x because it feels good.  ....and so is Zoe whatever down there.  How are you "not stopping the problem" if you stop having s*x?  You are dumb.  If you stop having s*x, you will stop having unwanted babies.  Duh...  And if you are too young for a child...THEN YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE s*x.  Come on people!

  8. Absolutely.  Without question.  If you choose to have s*x in this day and age you must be responsible.  Repeated pregnancy and abortions is irresponsible and unhealthy.

  9. The fact that you asked this question and then answered it means you know the answer already. Some countries still allow babies to be born only to let them die of drowning or starvation because they are female. In that case, abortion would have been more humane. A woman who has multiple abortions is limiting her chances of having a viable child when she's ready. It's foolish and irresponsible. Your personal ethics should determine the value of human life not someone elses opinion. My personal beliefs are that a life once concieved is a life with a soul and is a miracle but that does not change my political belief that woman should have the choice.

  10. first of all, nobody should abstain from s*x.  it is one of the great things in life!  second, the irresponsible part of it is the damage to the woman's body.  multiple abortions are hard on your health, but a woman is remarkable resilient.  you can take a few for sure.  as for the dignity of human life: you beg the question, but for sure a zygote is not a human.  have you ever seen one?  doesn't look like a human to me.  looks like a worm.  it is not anything that a human is, not conscious at all.  it is entirely the potential to be a human.  nothing more.

    keep reaching out.


  11. The irresponsible behavior is having multiple unwanted pregnancies.

    Having the abortions at least shows some responsibility for getting out of the undesired situation-- although birth control would have been a better, safer and less expensive option to begin with.  

    While I agree that a human life has great potential, I'm not so sure many people's lives are really of "great worth" in a broad sense (though they may be so within a limited context).

    I'm also not so sure it's legitimate to equate an unborn fetus with a human life anyway, since even women who want to carry the pregnancy to term will OFTEN  miscarry.  Being pregnant doesn't necessarily mean you're going to give birth to a living human being.

  12. yes, it's completely irresponsible and disgusting!  No respecet for their unborn child or themselves.  They suck.

  13. Yes, multiple abortions are irresponsible and unacceptable.

    The only acceptable scenarios where I think women are entitled to have abortions are if:

    - the woman was raped and fell pregnant;

    - the child would be born into poverty;

    - giving birth would put the mother's / child's life in danger;

    - the child was going to be born with a serious illness.

    If the woman falls pregnant from carelessness then she should take full responsibility.

  14. Its pure murder.

  15. This is a very complicated issue.

    I do think that people should first and foremost be responsible and incredibly careful when it comes to the act of s*x.  For me, since I currently do not want children due to the fact that I have a very detrimental disorder and do not wish to pass it onto my children as my mother did me, I either abstain from s*x, use a condom, or try to look into various other methods of birth control.  However, if I still ended up accidentally pregnant due to birth-control failure I would, at this moment in my life, most likely get an abortion.  This is for several reasons:

    1) I am not married or with someone as of now.

    2) I would not be able to afford to take care of a child as I was born into poverty and in poverty I will likely perish.  

    3) I would like my child to have a much better life than I did, and since I cannot provide that no matter how hard I try, I find it far more irresponsible to bring another poverty-stricken human being into this world who is unable to be properly cared for or given the leverage to rise beyond this pathetic status.

    4) The disorder I have is a horrific thing to live through.  I have about a 15%-30% chance of passing it on to my offspring, according to doctors.  I would not wish this disorder on my worst enemy let alone my own child.

    5) If the child does happen to inherit that disorder, then who am I to pawn that sort of responsibility onto another human being without warning?  The child will then inherit increased sensitivity, a mind that is far more open-minded than is healthy -- leading to easy manipulation and/or deception if not trained properly, heightened emotions which come and go in large bursts, hallucinations which seem to start with the optic nerve (some people say that I am seeing the aural effect and it isn't a hallucination at all, but I really could care less because it annoys me due to the fact that this is not the only thing that these scattered dots of light everywhere "reveal"), and dopamine and serotonin imbalance, leading to increased hallucinations from time to time, unstable emotions, chronic pain, fatigue, depression, and complete and total mental failure which can often simulate the same effects as a stroke or brain cancer, or causing one to perform terrible judgments of error such as unwittingly beating your own child or loved ones as my mother did to me when she was breaking down.  And there is no cure -- only half-assed treatments.  That is a huge responsibility to monitor and take care of appropriately and I would not know how to cope with that if I ever adopted out due to my own inability to take care of my child or have a sense of security in knowing that I will never hurt them if I had a mental breakdown while it was in my care.  If I passed it onto someone else to care for, how would I know if they would know what to do if they showed signs of having this disorder (which usually cannot be properly diagnosed until they reach about 19 years of age)?

    Scarred since my childhood over the words of my mother, I know full well the cruel effects an unwanted child would likely endure if carried to full term and birthed.  Since society is closely interlinked, any child I then bring into the world and raise will, of course, have an effect on other people.  If I do not stop to think about the circumstances in which I live before birthing a child, then I might end up raising a serial killer due to the nature of the adverse environment I bring it into or the disorder(s) I may or may not pass onto it, or a combination of both.  Irresponsible people, to my view, are far more likely to bring into existence another irresponsible person and the chain keeps going.  In some ways, is it not better that their irresponsibility ends with them with the blood of their unborn children on their hands, rather than keeping the cycle spinning endlessly throughout the generations or allowing society to degrade as more irresponsible people are brought up in this world by irresponsible parents?

    After all, the damage a living human can inflict who is raised in irresponsibility and adverse conditions can be far greater than the damage done to end that child's life before it was even born (as monstrous as it may sound.)

  16. not when you are selfish and that is all that is. Irresponsible behavior form a selfish person not willing to face the consequences of their actions for poor choices.

  17. Without a doubt.  Abortion is a very serious thing, and I'm not completely against it--for one time.  More than once is just stupid.  And wouldn't it be a heck of a lot easier to just keep it in your pants than go through that whole procedure?

  18. Real story:

    Now, in the 21st Century,

    during the time I was in the Hospital with my baby birth,

    a 20-year-old just married woman came into that Hospital in view to have a paid abortion.

    Guess what?

    Do you think that she went out the Hospital's doors O.K.?

    Cause she came in right on her feet, "happy" and in a perfect health state, just "a little bit pregnant", and she thought she will leave the Hospital within a half of an hour or so, after the operation of abortion.

    It was right her FIRST TIME abortion!

    ... 20-year-old, just married ...

    But time was passing, and her bleeding after the abortion operation wasn't to stop ever, such the doctor should search for the reason.

    Surprise - during that operation, the doctor did perforate (a little, very little) the uterus of the young lady.

    In consequence, they HAD TO EXTIRPATE that bleeding uterus.

    It was the doctor to be blame ....


    That young lady never ever shall have her own child,

    for THE REASON OF .......

    you name it !


    Give LIFE

    and someone, like as that lady,

    will be THE MOST EVER HAPPY HUMAN on Earth

    to rise YOUR baby, IF you cannot.

  19. It would have been more responsible to abstain from s*x, but to do this one must have s*x education. There are many ways to prevent getting pregnant. To recklessly get pregnant then to have an abortion is not a smart thing to do. Your body can only take so many operations. Then it starts to decline. The results will show on the face and the rest of the body. If this person keeps up with the operations then she may find one day when she wants a child she can no longer conceive. Or if she does, the body will automatically reject the fetus. She is now training her body.

  20. Immoral, but not irresponsible, unless they personally beleive it is immoral.


    1 a: liable to be called on to answer b (1): liable to be called to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent <a committee responsible for the job> (2): being the cause or explanation <mechanical defects were responsible for the accident> c: liable to legal review or in case of fault to penalties

    2 a: able to answer for one's conduct and obligations : trustworthy b: able to choose for oneself between right and wrong

    3: marked by or involving responsibility or accountability <responsible financial policies> <a responsible job>

    4: politically answerable; especially : required to submit to the electorate if defeated by the legislature —used especially of the British cabinet

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