
Is it irresposible for the democrats to nominate a man incapable of performing the duties of president?

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obama has no real life, practical, or relevant experience but he is half black




  1. No, it is irresponsible for you to try and claim that being a senator is not "real life, practical or relevant experience".

  2. Of course. But liberals are all about irresponsibility, or at least they are all about not taking responsibility....or putting all responsibility on the government so indivuals don't have to be responsible for themselves.

    In other words, what would you expect from democrats other than irresponsibility?

  3. McCain after the Keating 5 hearing was told he "used poor judgement".  Does that sound familiar.  Also his involvement with the Abramoff indictment has yet to come to question why he witheld evidence of a lobbyist's email bribing a governor, which by the way the lobbyist's aide was supported McCain.  He hints corruption of others, but is a hypocrit when he has been caught supporting those who have bilked people of $BILLIONS$.  He has a history of crashing planes and people by use of 'poor judgement'.

  4. He's only a senator, yep he's inexperienced.  So what have you done with your life.  Moved out of your mom's basement yet?

  5. ...He has experience, the only issue is that his experience is a good bit less than McCain's.  Beyond that, even if he had no experience, to say he's "incapable of performing the duties of president" is pure speculation.  You have no point.

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