
Is it is true if u do s*x before your ovulation date you will concive a girl?

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Is it is true if u do s*x before your ovulation date you will concive a girl?




  1. i heard this too because sperm carrying the girl chromosome live longer than boy sperm. so in theory the boy sperm would die off before reaching the egg. but this is just a theory. good luck! i believe its called shettles method or something

  2. The X sperm (which are the sperm that make females) live longer than the Y sperm (which are the sperm that make males). However, the Y sperm swim faster, so the chances are equally good that you will get a girl or a boy. If the Y sperm swim fast enough before they die to fertilize the egg, then you'll have a boy. If the Y sperm don't reach the egg before they die, chances are an X sperm will get there shortly, and then you'll have a girl.

  3. check out a chinese ovulation calender...they are fun, and yet sometimes accurate!!!! i used it with both of mine and both were correct!!!! it goes by the date you conceived and your age (at the top)

  4. Female sperm live up to 5 days while male sperm only live for 48 hours. If you have s*x up until 2 days before you ovulate. It will be a girl. :)

  5. never heard that one

  6. There is a better chance...but not reliable

  7. If you want to get pregnant with a girl or a boy it's better to have s*x before you ovulate.

    The Shettles Method suggests ways of increasing your chances of either conceiving a boy or a girl. The closer to ovulation you wait to have intercourse the higher the chance of conceiving a boy. If you have intercourse a few days before you ovulate there is ahigher chance of conceiving a girl. The basic principle is in the speed of the sperm. Boy sperm swim faster but die quicker and girl sperms swim slower but last longer. This, of course is not foolproof.

  8. yes a girl can become pregnant at any time when protection is not used

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