
Is it july all around the world?

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i understand that their is maybe a few days difference but are the months the same everywhere.....i got to thinking about this because someone mentioned to me that its winter in other parts of the world right now and i was thinking do some parts of the world have winter in july which brings me back to my question is it the same month everywhere in the world or does it vary?




  1. It's July all around the world, but as one person said, it is Summer in the Northern Hemisphere (The North Half of the World), but it's Winter in the Southern Hemishphere (The Southern Part of the World.) This happens because the sun is rotating around the Earth. So if you are in the USA, and enjoing the sun (Like Me,) then someone in Brazil may be in the cold, even though it is still July.

  2. Same month but different names in different languages.

  3. No it really is December in China!

    Just kidding.

    Months are the same everywhere. Its July no matter where you go, unless the country uses a different calender, in which case the name is different but its still physically the same time of year, minus up to 12 hours.

  4. Yes, but it is July 2 in some parts of the world right now.

  5. yeah. its july everywhere but july is winter for some places in the world and december is their summer. just like may is fall in places and august is spring.  so like june 21st is their 1st day of winter and so on

  6. it's july?  i guess i should take down my christmas tree.

  7. In my part of the world it's already August........The last month our Prime Minister had a vision in which God told him it would be considered evil if we lived through July. So our government decided that for our collective well-being it would be necessary to skip July.Thus we have 2nd August here.

  8. months are pretty much the same but it might be a day before july somewhere

  9. Yeah, there may be a day or so difference in the date, but it is the same month.

  10. some countries go by different calendars.

  11. places likes autralia and brazil are in ther "winter" at the moment

    their summer is our winter and vice versa

  12. Yes, everyone is in the same month all around the world.

  13. Absolutely!

  14. It is July here in Australia, however it is the middle of Winter. However, it's not too cold.

  15. It is July everywhere in the world.  However, some countries do not use the Gregorian calendar as their primary calendar so "July" is somewhat meaningless (notably Israel and Muslim nations; also many East Asian countries such as China and Japan have non-Gregorian calendars).  But if you were a traveller in those countries it would still be July to you, and more than likely most people you'd meet in those countries would be aware that it's July to the Western world.  The Gregorian Calendar is the international standard for politics, travel, etc. even if it's not used on a more local level.

    The month and the season do not have a 1:1 correlation; so although it's July in Australia, for example, it's their winter.  Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed from those in the Northern, but calendars remain synchronized.

  16. Yeah it's the same month but some countries just have may-aug as their winter months.

  17. oh it varies depending where you live.

    I live in the southern hemisphere in Australia so when it's your July we are in December celebrating xmas.

    In some parts of the world it's April 1st all year round

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