
Is it just DeJavou ??

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Is it me, or is the current state of the UK (Thanks to New Labour) a carbon copy of the last good old Labour fu^k up of 1978 ?

Here we are 30 years on, with another Labour government, totally s******g up society, s******g up the economy, crime and unemployment on the rise, growing criticism from abroad regarding the state of government borowing, buisnesses going bust and trade union strikes and militancy on the incease ??

B-Liar and Brown have totally screwed over the UK during the past 11 years. Even their "new" labour supporters have found them out and are abandoning the party in their droves, like rats leaving a sinking ship. It is only the die hard, dim witted, totallly brainwashed solcialists of old that still cling on to the belief that "Labour" is "for the working man" LOL !! - Incredible !!

It's well past the time for Labour to be ousted and a conservative government to be returned to sort out the Labour mess (again).

Watch the space below for their rants, lies and spin on this latest New Labour fu^k ups ..................




  1. Bit liverish this morning Davey?

    Heavy night?

    I guess so :)

  2. You're wrong - It's deja vu. But otherwise you are 100% correct. Well said sir!!!

  3. You got that right lovey

  4. I agree with you, but will the Tories be any better, I doubt it. I don't think any of them deserve my vote.

  5. do you think that conservatives are any better? most politicians become so as a career, not a vocation.  i once belonged to the labour party and was a district and town councillor, and at the time i believed that labour could change things for the better, i got out when i realised that no one ever changes anything.  look to multi-national companies if you want to know who really runs the world and its economy.
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