
Is it just me, is this just a phase...?

by Guest21281  |  earlier

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I am a g*y teenager. But that is arguably irrelevant to my question. My question is is it just to feel frustrated with society?

I feel like society expects me to be a walking d**k, always ready for s*x and not capable of any real thought because I am a g*y male. It's just unfair.

Why do people find it so hard to accept that I can be an intelligent person who doesn't have any real interest in the scene, and wants to do things like philosophy and theology?

Why has society placed this ideal on me, and why am I living up to its' expectations?

I know that this question is arguably one of rhetoric but I would like an answer, thank you.




  1. stereotypes.

  2. We are all subject to expectations placed on us by others. As a teenager in our media-saturated society, you are especially targeted as a shallow sexpot with a 30-second attention span. Just look at the content-free, flash-and-splash garbage on TV aimed at you and your peers! I don't blame you for being insulted by this stereotype.

    Here's the thing: You are in control of you. You can make a difference in the lives of the people around you by taking your own stand against what you see is wrong. You don't have to fix everything. You need only focus on doing right and making good choices for you. No matter what society throws your way, they can't take away your freedom to choose your behavior.

    Stephen Covey wrote the book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." It's a life-transforming book (It was for me!) in which Covey writes about Response-ability or our ability to respond. I think this concept is the key to your success. There is a tiny gap between the stimulus (what happens to us) and the response (what we do). In animals, there is no such gap. They are all reaction. Something happens and they react without thinking. Humans sometimes do that, too, to their detriment. The key to success here is to use the gap between stimulus and response to choose how you will respond. Does your response build up or tear down? Does your response add to the negative stereotype or build a new and better stereotype?

    You have the power to change. It may start out as being "just you," but as people see you they will be influenced to join you. Whole societies have been changed this way.

  3. Being a teen ager is just a phase.  If you still feel g*y at 25, you are g*y.

  4. If you live up to this expectation, then you validate it.  If, on the ohter hand, you do not rush to get your and others' pants off, but rather concentrate on the head that is above your shoulders, then people will think that you have real interests.  There is nothing wrong with a teen, whether heterosexual or homosexual, to want to read and discuss philosophy and theology.  You are not society's victim.  You always have the choice to set your own course.  And if you want to talk about real interests, feel free to email me as I have no desires to have sexual relations with you.  

  5. i guess its just a phase for you right now. Do you and live life the way that you know how to.

  6. It's not a phase, its a psychological illness. It's not good to have thoughts like that. Thats what happens when you expose your mind to many abnormal things. It starts with being g*y, then whats next, animals? This is why being too open minded is sickening. Take control of yourself. Analyze yourself. Good Luck

  7. You tell me why you are living up to their expectations?

    I guess they are right!

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