
Is it just me, or are my aunt and uncle crazy?

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My aunt and uncle have a daughter (my cousin) who is either 15 or 16. They just got back from a vacation in florida, and I found out they took my cousin's boyfriend with them! Is it just me, or is it crazy to include your child's boyfriend/girlfriend on family vacations until they are at least 18? I don't know, maybe I'm being irrational, but it seems to me like they are just asking for their daughter to...well...grow up too fast is a way to put it I guess. Any opinions on if this was your daughter?




  1. It's their choice. They are not crazy unless they swear they saw the pope riding up the hospital ward on a bicycle with a white cat on the back. (like somone i know)

    Edit: Its a motorbike to be correct.

  2. no that's quit cool in fact hun  life ain't starting at 16-18  

  3. I don't have any daughters but I do have three sons as well as7 nephews and 3 nieces.

    My sister never ever let her daughter bring a boyfriend along on a vacation until she was 20.  My brother has yet to allow his daughters to bring their boyfriends on any vacations or extended outings and they are 19 and 17.

    I think your aunt and uncle made a hasty decision and honestly were taking the easy road out to not deal with arguing with your cousin about her boyfriend going.  I sure hope they weren't alone and weren't allowed to go anywhere by themselves as well as sleep on seperate sides of the room.

  4. I think they are CRAZY... They're just encouraging their girl to ... you know... stuff like pre-marital s*x, etc,etc.. I wonder, didn't anyone like your parents stop them before the went??

  5. lol my parents brought my bf with us to the dells when i was 17 but i got pregnant a few months later... normal that doesnt happen

    we had a hotel room we shared with my parents and were never alone in it

  6. It's pretty common. I don't really like it either, but I don't think it's completely crazy. Unless they're letting them sleep in the same bed. Now that's crazy, at least from a prude's point of view.

  7. My aunt and uncle took their 15 year old girls boyfriend on holiday with them, I was pretty shocked too but guess they are just more liberal than us!  Personally I wouldnt allow it.

  8. I agree.  The arrangement kind of sanctifys the relationship, which she may live to regret if he turns out to be more or less than she was counting on.

  9. Whats age got to do with it?  If your Aunt & Uncle are ok with it then that's all that matters.  Its got nothing to do with you.

  10. I would have to agree with you there my daughter is 12 and I wouldn't be letting her boyfriends come around and go on vacations with us at 15 or 16 years old .Seems to me something has been lost in the morality of people today. She needs to be learning about working and going to school at that point focusing on achieving goals in life not stuck to some little immature horn-dog ,sorry to say but I want her to have a future that has some security not three kids at 25 and getting divorced , and no way to support them . ........Just the road I see that situation paving  

  11. in the midwest where i live this is quite common. the kids like taking their best friends along with them. if the best friend at the time happens to be a romantic friendship then that is who they like to invite. i'm 42 and when i was 15 or 16 my boyfriend would go away with my family, just weekend trips. i have a daughter who is almost 15 and in the future if she wants to invite someone special along i'm sure we will consider it. (seperate sleeping arrangements of course.)

  12. Okay, the whole 'taking-pictures-of-your-daughter-whilst... thing is, granted, a bit weird, but otherwise I think it's fine.

    What else would happen?

    They'd get back from holiday, during the whole time of which the daughter would have been sulking because she couldn't see/ring the BF, and then she'd spend all her time (alone, with no parents) with him when she got back.  Doing whatever.

    By including him, the parents get to know him a bit better, he begins to appreciate and respect his 'in-laws' and the parents can supervise what's going on between him and their daughter.

    I know several of my friends who've taken their BFs or GFs away with them and their family - it's always been successful and both parties come away happy :)

    P.S to the person above me: if you think that's how kids behave, and that by having a bf/gf and letting them socialise with their partner's families in a controlled way that your "paving the way" for social discontent and moral corruption, then you're completely out of touch with a)the respect kids have for themselves and their families, and b)the responsisiblities and ambitions of the majority of young people.

  13. Some parents are permissive because they want their children to be comfortable talking to them.  Maybe they just want to know what's going on in her life and this is the easiest way for them to know.  Better than hiding it.  Also, nothing makes a girl want to get rid of her boyfriend more than her parents liking him.

    By the way, it's none of your business how your aunt and uncle raise their child.  :)

  14. At 15 I would say crazy, at 16 not so bad because they can atleast monitor them and still allow their daughter some "freedom".  They may just really trust their daughter and feel this is some great time for the two to really get to know each other and have some fun while being supervised by them the whole time.  

  15. chill out captain uptight,its all about trust.if your after one answer for everyone ,then your on the wrong planet.

  16. no i dnt think there crazy   i dnt think

  17. Maybe they have never had any problems with their daughter and feel that they can trust her.  she may be a really good kid with her head screwed on the right way, therefore they may have felt that it was safe to take her and her boyfriend on holiday with them.

    Not all kids are bad and get up to no good.

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