
Is it just me, or are the 2 candidates for the next President of good ol' USA the worst choices yet?

by  |  earlier

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i swear mccain & obama are the worst choices out there, as if it's some cruel joke put on by the democrats & republicans.




  1. It isn't just you.  I don't think I'm going to be able to vote for president this time around.  I feel a little sick inside when I think about the next four years.  I have no confidence in either of these candidates or our representatives any longer.

  2. Just you Hun, do some research. First on the word worst and then go an look at the credentials of the candidates and you tell me does it match!

  3. Yes,by far.

  4. Yes I totally agree with you. I fear for what might happen to us and this great country. Good luck to all of us.

  5. I have to agree and so does 40% of citizens on a recent national poll.

    I think that people chose their candidate based on 1 or 2 issues that they were really strong on and ignored the rest.

    This is the most hohum election I can remember and I've been through a bunch.

  6. Amen Brother, which one do you trust most to lead us the rest of the way to disaster because we are headed for pure h**l and which one should lead us the rest of the way there? Why would one choose the least of two evils when there were some very good chioces? They just never were heard of -intentionally may I add?

  7. Just you.....Obama is a good choice.

  8. Just you.

  9. No, in '68, '72 and '76 the choices were worse.

  10. Getting lonely on that island by yourself.

  11. No.  I think Bush was the worst choice, ever.

  12. I am assuming this is a joke.  You must not remember George W. Bush.

  13. okay you have point but think about this would you have McCain or Obama. its comes down to that. McCain were just going to get screwed just like the 8 years. with Obama we at least have a 50/50 shot of things getting better. okay think of that. thats why I support Obama because we actually have a chance of getting off are asses and get something done. fix us up before deal;ing with other problems

    plus its been like this since 2000, we just have to be smart about it

  14. If it's just you, then it's just me, too.

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