
Is it just me, or do environmentalists seem to be hypocrites?

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Some of them come into an arts and crafts store where I work as a cashier and when I ring them up and ask if they want a bag, they say no, save a bag but at the same time they're purchasing like 100 sheets of paper. That basically cancels out them wanting to save a bag.




  1. The difference is that they have a use for the paper.  The bag is a waste.

  2. They are hypocrites, look at Al Gore, he's all save the planet and look at him.  don't see him cycling to work, he just jumps in his private jet.

  3. True. If you think about it, it's almost impossible to be environment friendly all the time.

  4. You are working in an arts and crafts store - presumably they are buying what is necessary for their lives and your shop is where they need to buy it from,  but they are making sure they don't go over any unecessary boundaries. We all have to make this kind of balance.  

    Here in Beijing the local government last month said no

    more plastic bags and now virtually every shop has stopped handing them out for free.

    However, liberal democratic governments are more cautious about imposing laws like this so its up to individuals to try to get the culture to change.  

    Its a much slower business doing it this way - so try not to knock too hard the people who are trying, even over such seemingly small things to get that balance right

  5. dude its just their an environmentalist, I expect them to wipe their a$$ with something other than toilet paper, but do they??? nah cuz you can be anyone and say anything these days and have no credit, but still think you care about something...haha

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