
Is it just me, or do people who don't care about doing the right thing seem to have everything they want?

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I am really frustrated. I have always heard that if you pray to God, try to do the right thing, and treat others the way you want to be treated, that you will recieve good things out of life and you will be happy. However, that is not what I see. I see that even if a person does whatever they want and doesn't care about God or doing the right thing , they still have success and are happy.




  1. i dont get everything i want!! i only belive in god cuz my mummy dose beside that im completely evil!!! all the good ppl get whatever they want

  2. there is no god

  3. I completely notice that too. It's like the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. As tough as it is to say, nice guys finish last...its a dog eat dog world and things aren't how they used to be

  4. That may be how it looks for the moment. However it may not be everything it seems.

    You don't do things to get in God's good graces. You're already in his good graces. One doesn't only behave well to ensure a ticket into heaven. One behaves as a kind , caring , moral human being because one  IS a kind caring human being  and not just appearing so and wating for the extra special  benefits.

    Sorry God has never promised everything everyone ever wanted. He said he would provide but it's never good for anyone to get everything he or she wants, then one becomes arrogant and selfish. There's going to be good times and bad times and all are necessary for you to understand what faith in God really means. Read Job.

    Whomever is preaching religion to you doesn't understand what he /she is preaching himself/herself.   You don't become a Christian to be BETTER than other people , you become a Christian to follow in Christ's footsteps and be like he was .

  5. It is hard to separate our physical minds from the spiritual , which leads us to assign to God material things even though He is Spirit.

    Without the Golden Rule we will be back to the caves in life. Without God we are not much more then the animal in life. It is the consciousness of God that makes us greater then the animal. This gives us something greater then self to rise up to.

    When we fail to make this connection and keep it open we revert to our lower self and in time lose all thoughts of or desire for His love and guidance.

    Our greatest struggle in life is not with others it is with self. Our preoccupation with self leads us to not see self as a problem but a solution when without God we are not much more then the ones we make judgments about. It is the higher self (consciousness ) centered on God which will guide us to understanding and His truth.

  6. You are mistaken. Doing the right things itself has its own reward and that not necessarily comes from others in the way you expect. God's ways are mysterious and how he helps us is hard to understand with out limited human knowledge. Sometimes what seems like curse turns out to be a blessing. Like missing a train that is destined to a major accident. We think that others even though they don't deserve success or happiness are still enjoying all of it but how do we know whats going on in theirr own heart or mind or in thei private lives? Things are not so Rosy as they might seem.

  7. It does seem so.  Good people are suffering and bad are having all the fun.

  8. It's not just you.

    People that don't care about doing the right thing seem to have everything they want because that is the one way to get everything you want.  Of course those things that they are chasing are money and power and the like.  Things that might make them happy for now but won't keep them happy forever.  One day they'll realize that their lives have been nothing but a wasteland of greed, if they don't realize this already, and that they spent their whole lives not doing what they want to do, but just trying to keep up the rat race.  Trust me, those people are probably a lot less happy then they appear to be.  Once they get money or power, there is also the neverending battle for more of it that comes after that.  People like that don't just stop at a little.  The things they want bring them a lot more stress than happiness in the long run.  And who's it really for?  To please someone else.

    Keep being respectful of other people and watch out for the ruthless ones.  Live a good, moral life and your mind and your conscience will be clear.

  9. It's not just you...I've noticed the same thing since I was a kid. All the mean, hateful, prejudiced, undeserving people seem to have it all...but then you must understand that they are happy because of what they have materialistically. If they were to lose everything, or even just anything...their happiness would dwindle...somewhere down the road they will bring bad karma to themselves. Perhaps they are enjoying that lifestyle because someone before them (a parent/grandparent, etc.) lived a hard, but decent life and left something for them, but forgot to detail how he/she would like the descendents to be decent, loving, caring, sharing, and grateful and carry on the legacy...maybe once you hit it big, you'll leave a legacy for your coming generations. The coming generations of those mean people may or may not get the bad karma.

  10. It seems to me that some people think God is a magician and offers things in change of good behavior or whatever. NO, first of all, one does good to imitate Christ and do His will because we have Faith, we believe in Him, whether He gives you what you want or not!  He decides, what he gives and when, maybe he doesn`t want to content you much in this life, and that would be His best gift for you, cause if you keep your faith in Him, despite of this, you`ll be eternally happy with Him in Heaven. What I want to say is that you can`t condition your good actions and behavior to "receiving". That depends on God only He knows whether and what He gives us or not.

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