
Is it just me, or do you think the war in Russia vs. Georgia is kinda exciting?

by Guest61279  |  earlier

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Honestly, I think a WWIII would be somewhat interesting :)

I would in fact join the army and participate in this event.




  1. That day will someday come and when it does God help U.S. all !

    Be careful of what you wish for you might guess get it !!!

  2. good for you....go sign up....I don't think the innocent deaths of civilians in any conflict is 'exciting' in any way.

  3. what a terrible idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Congratulations, you are a douche bag

    thousands of civilians are dead already and a sovereign government is about to be overthrown by a quasi-fascist state in a war of aggression, and all you can say is "lol Cool"

    and killing civilians is never OK

  5. Stick to video games.  I can tell you from personal experience that real war is NOTHING like Call of Duty or Halo and there is no reset button if you get killed or get a limb blown off.

  6. Your not the only one. I have never been this interested in war(besides WW2) and politics that I am right now. Thats probably because I am joining this Air Force next month.

  7. are you hitler's long lost grandson??

  8. As bad as it sounds I find it somewhat exciting, just more interesting than a boring diplomatic resolution. I'm sure my opinion would change though if I was involved up close. And everyone who is giving your c**p right is just kidding themselves and trying to make themselves look good but in their head they find it interesting not terrible.

  9. wow, if i were the leader of a country i would execute people with that attitude.

    you're so very sad.

  10. you immature r****d.

    YOu should be the first one to be killed.

  11. Fight in a war. Kill some people, then tell me how interesting war is. I have spent my time in 2 different warzones (Afghanistan and Iraq) and i pray that you never have to experience anything like that. Because if you go over there, or into any war just wanting to "participate" you won't make it. It takes a much stronger drive that just wanting to be involved to survive a war, let alone a World War.  

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