
Is it just me, or does someone agree?

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I'm 17 and I'm in high school obviously. I have some friends who do not care about education, some who have regular classes, some who have classes with me (honors and regular), and some with extremely hard AP classes. But one thing in common with all of them, is that I think they have no common sense, or realization of the world around them. They do not care about anything except the work there given. There parents buy them their own car (I worked for mine as a choice and earned a car). As for me, I do not focus on school that much because I believe having everything balanced is healthy (sports, a job, family, and school). I realize some are smarter than me when it comes to a test given by the school, but if it's anything taught outside of school, I can be almost positive I'd be better than them 100% of the time. School hardly teaches you important things (math especially). What I'm getting at is, school, even art schools, are making people less creative, less understanding of what really matters, and more ignorant. It is also why I haven't heard of a LEADER who has made a difference in our world for a while. Nelson Mandela doesn't count, he unwillingly sat in jail for 20 years because he protested against something which thousands of others were doing too, he's nothing great.




  1. read what you type

    you still think you have more common sense then your friends?

  2. You haven't heard of a great leader recently becuase a great deal of social injustices in the world have been corrected.  

  3. yeah, read what you wrote.

  4. Lol, bud i know it's all confusing at first but you're young, of course you don't understand school it's a thing that comes with age and experince. You're young, be happy, stop trying to take charge and be in command. Math, for example is a very required field of study for somethings such as engineering which is literally geometry, planes, weapons, tanks, ect. are made out in 3-d geometric grids and then constructed out in hand. All hospital work uses statics to calculate the effectiveness of a drug procedure and it's effects. There's bazillions of examples you've yet to realize their use for. You do have a great start off in life compared to most kids your age, but tone it down abit you're going to break down at this rate.

    "he unwillingly sat in jail" who wants to sit in jail, honestly? And you answered your second question "he protested against something which thousands of others were doing too" because there is no ONE person anymore, there are MANY and that is a sign of opening into a new democratic age. Communism, anarchy, dictatorship, tyranny are all coming to an end and no one person will make any huge difference.

    And of course society seems completely insane, it is the mainstream kind of people don't usually invest themselves into these kinds of things. You're really advanced for your age, but have to realize that not everyone goes at your pace and have different priorities in mind. Take my father for example he graduated college when we has 30 with straight c-'s if you'd look at him today you'd think he'd be a natural enstien.

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