
Is it just me, or does the Fox network have a politial bias?

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specifically concerning the 2008 election. any thoughts and concerns are welcomed




  1. There was actually a study out that listed Fox News as the most balanced.

    "FOX Is Most Balanced (not a typo)"

    "Who’s Fair and Balanced?: Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49% positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties.

    "On the three broadcast networks, opinion on Democratic candidates split 47% positive vs. 53% negative, while evaluations of Republicans were more negative – 40% positive vs. 60% negative. For both parties combined, network evaluations were almost 3 to 2 negative in tone, i.e. 41% positive vs. 59% negative."

    But this was based on an actual NEWS show rather than a commentary show like O'Reilly's.

    Perhaps that is one reason Fox is viewed as so biased.  They have many more commentary type shows than CNN.

    But it seems like if you are comparring apples to apples, Fox is more balanced.

    And even when you consider O'Rielly, although he is very conservative in most areas, he has liberals on his shows every night to debate the issues with him.  Olbermann apparently rarely does that.  So O'Reilly is more fair than Olbermann.

  2. Every network has a political bias.  Fox just doesn't hide theirs.

  3. Faux Noise is propoganda at its worst.

    Most news media is right-wing propoganda, Faux just leads the pack in that regard.

    As to those someone listed the networks that lead the bandwagon to the Iraq war...

    There was a study done looking for liberal bias in the media.

    They determined that they're tougher on the Democrats than the Republicans.

    In the Network News, 28% of the statements were positive for Obama and 72% negative.  Compare to McCain, 43% of the statements positive and 57% negative.  See link below.

    CBS, NBC and ABC are owned by giant corporations--Viacom, General Electric and Disney--that expect their news divisions to make money, like any other product.

    CBS' real scandal wasn't the false documents that were produced and debunked a day later, but that after many journalists had examined them and said they were real, Dan Rather got railroaded and lost his job.

    In choosing to air the revelations about Bush's Guard duty, CBS canceled a more important segment about how administration officials used manufactured documents to build a fraudulent case that Iraq had tried to obtain uranium from Africa to build nuclear weapons. In the wake of Rathergate, that story, too, faded.

    Rathergate actually turned out to be a tool to make CBS appear liberal, but really, favored the right wing.

    ABC won't do a special critical of Reagan, but sure will do one critical of Clinton!  Could have asked Dennis Kucinich about his impeachment bill but instead asked him about UFOs.  Spent most of the last Clinton-Obama debate talking, not about the economy, not about Iraq, but about the wearing of flag pins.

    NBC MSNBC:  Otherwise known as MSNBScarbourgh Country, which was one of the most offensive right-wing shows aired to date.  NBC could have asked Dennis Kucinich about his impeachment bill but instead asked him about UFOs.  

    CNN Conservative News Network, former home of Bob Novak of the Valerie Plame scandal.  This is the network that attacked Chelsea Clinton.

    So, yeah, they're all right wing, but not as bad as Faux Noise.


    The study that alleges that FOX is the most unbiased, was itself, a bias study, funded by conservative groups, as proven here.

  4. They are a conservative based new service that is point blank about their viewpoint - they like Republicans

    If this offends your point of view - uphold your right as a TV viewer and TURN THE CHANNEL............ you might want to try CNN for a bit or many cable/satellite systems list varies new media outlets.

  5. Yes, unlike CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN.

  6. They do even though they love to throw that phrase, Fair and Balanced around. They are not. I hate Fox News. It's like the National Enquirer of news stations. It is as deep as a puddle.

  7. They Report, You Decide.

    All the media is slanted in some way.  I appears that fox is reporting in the middle and leaning towards the right.  Unlike the others pro Obama, hate America, doom and gloom networks.

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