
Is it just me, or does time really fly by?

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personally, i can hardly believe how fast everyone's growing up. it feels like just yesterday that we were dorks in elementary school, so innocent, playing on the monkey bars at the playground, and considering the word 'stupid' the most heinous of curses. now we're all getting cars and driver's licenses, swearing like sailors, making sexually connotated jokes, dating people that we wouldn't have dreamed of talking to when we were 9 years old, and talking to each other more online than in person.

it feels like just yesterday i was starting my first day of middle school, when i reality i'm going to be a junior when school starts.

anyone else feel this way?





    I remember when I was just starting 4th grade and I thought "I can't wait until I'm in high school." And now I am.

    I feel so sad now. Soon I'll be in colledge (probably not cuz I can't even spell it)

    I wish I had a time machine!

  2. I always feel like that... and it only gets worse when you have children. My son is going to be 3 in October... I swear he was just born yesterday.

  3. I feel the same way. It makes me very sad to think of the truth. I left school last year. I'm going onto 6th form (equivalent of junior year in England) and it just feels like yesterday that I was in year 7 and I was looking at all the "big people" and thinking how cool they were. It seems that school will never end, yet once it actually does, you realize just how fast you've grown up.

    Each year my mum looks a little bit more shocked when she realizes that her baby is now 16.

    It seems to me that the past 6 years have gone past so fast. I feel like I've been to sleep one night when I was 10, then woken up a 16 year old. I hate time when it does this. You spend so long accustoming yourself to something, that you forget that soon your whole world will turn upside down.

  4. Nah. I feel that way too. I feel like I should be going into my freshman year.

    At the start of last year, when I saw my friends younger siblings walking around the school, I kept thinking "NO! You're supposed to be in 8th grade! You're not supposed to be here yet!!!!"

    It frightens me =[

    C/O 2010 baby!

  5. im also going to be a junior in highschool when school starts back. and i know what you mean. i still remember at the end of 5th grade we had to go on a field trip to one of the middle schools and i remember thinking how huge it was and how i would get lost and how old the 8th graders were. i remember a song that i heard on the radio that morning when my mom was driving to drop me off, and it was in my head the whole time while we walked around the 'huge' school. it seems like it was just a few years ago, while in reality it was almost 6. and i also remember the last few days of 8th grade, and we had to go on a field trip to the high school. now that was scary. i had gotten so used to the so called 'huge' middle school that the high school completely scared me to death. its about 10 times as big. i also remember going and getting my schedule the day before 9th grade started and how scared i was and how i was freaking completely out because i didnt know where any of my classes were. that seems like yesterday. i still remember the fine details. and thats been 2 years ago. its scary to think that next year at this time im going to be sitting here about to be a senior.  and i also remember the first day of kindergarden. i dont know how, or why. but i do. i remember a boy in my class took his shirt off and the teacher made a big fuss over it. and i remember sitting beside two other boys and they were talking about how awesome thier playstations were. and i thought they were talking about like a play kitchen or work bench or something. and i remember the teachers walking us to the lunch room not long after we got there and everyone thought we were already going to eat lunch and how the teachers laughed because they thought it was so cute. heck, even remember headstart. i had to go to headstart because i needed speech therapy and my best friend lived right beside me, and we were always together. and she used to sit on my porch everyday while i was at headstart and wait on me to come home. its amazing how simple everything was back then. and its even more amazing how i think about kindergarten and now first grade and how i can actually say i have known people for 10 years! that right there, that always makes me feel like time has flown by, since ive known some of the people at school for 10 years. i have to catch myself and think about it every so often.

  6. omg i know what you mean. I'm going ot be a senior when school starts. I'm so afraid of graduating and I can't believe i'm almost an adult! D:

    I think the internet speeds things up also. Because, like you said, we DO talk more online that we do in person.

  7. Oh god yes. I used to keep a diary, and I found a few diaries from elementary school ... there was an entry that went somewhat like this : "Today Thomas and his friends told a joke, and it was something about have s*x, and I didn't get it and when I asked everyone made fun of me." (Thomas was my neighbor, he was a few years older then me)

    I laughed out loud. I  was so innocent then. It seems like so long ago. And now I feel so old and adult ... it's strange. I barely recognize my younger self. And then I wonder if I'll feel this way about the person I am now in ten years.

  8. I do. I mean it seemed like yesterday when I was young and innocent but now it's full of responsabilities. Just adapt and learn and survive I guess.

  9. Enjoy ever minute because I have learned as you get older time goes by faster and faster. It seems like just yesterday I was in high school with not a care in the world. Now im 25 and a mother of 2.

  10. I do...Time does fly by too quickly...I still cannot even believe i am nearly 29 years old. I still feel like i am 16...

    My son will be 7 in august and it just seems like he should still be a baby...

    Just don't try rushing things, live your life, have fun at it because before you know it you will be in your twenties and wonder how time went by then.

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