
Is it just me, or is America shot??

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I mean people are rude, selfish and generally dont care about anything other than themselves....think I am being radical?? We have 5% of the worlds population and consume 25% of its resources....for what??? Soccer moms in suvs, parties, ball games etc. Look at how people are on the highways...talking on cells without any regard for the safety of those around them, cutting you off etc




  1. Hey not all of us are like that! Some people care about the environment and our society and actually do things to help it  instead of people like you complaining about all the c**p in the world but doing nothing about it... My goodness you probably do all of those things you said yourself..

  2. In general yes, America is like that. It's quite sad. But not all of us are like that thankfully.

  3. I am sorry to say that you are right. We in the United States have developed all the social grace of two year olds. and the general charm of an untipped head waiter.

  4. No, its not just you. You aren't too far off, in fact, you're exactly right. I hate rich people, and rude customers, I work in customer service and they treat you like a slave. People in traffic are horrible, just commuting from school to home, and to work on the weekends, I have on average about 10 close calls per week because of being passed, cut off, out-ran, people on cell-phones, tailgating you when driving too slow, etc. America is pretty much shot. Can you see why we are hated around the world?

  5. You know, people in other countries act the same way.  We are not the only people who are selfish and rude.  I agree that our manners, ethics and morals are heading down the toilet.  Its sad to say it, but its true.

  6. people are rotten and have always been this way. the people who fight it stand out as "good".

    some things never change.

  7. You're so right.

  8. It is not you, many Americans dilsike something about this country.  We have freedom and a right to say whatever, but some Americans don't appreciate our freedom.  There are some countries in the world, that are being run by communist and dictators.  For those countries there are no freedom or very little freedom givent to the citzens of those countries.  They don't have a freedom of speach, and as Americans we don't always appreciate what we have as a country.  

    Americans will say whatever they want about our country, and that is a fact of what freedom of speach allows.  Our country is concidered advanced to poor countries in the world.  It's amazing that we have all this technology.  There are greedy people in out country, and those are the people who have everything a person could have.  Yes, there are mom that are stay-at-home moms, and we have expensive cars and trucks.  People in africa aren't as rich to have some of the things we have, and it's the culture and the living habits that cause that.  

    Our country just works so hard for living, and the more we work; the more we have.  If we keep working for things, we will continue to have all that we could want and need.  It just shows us how we are as Americans.

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