
Is it just me, or is England really, really cold right now?

by  |  earlier

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Last night, I could see my breath in my house, I was shivering as I was going to sleep, my feet felt like blocks of ice...the heating was on. Why is it so cold??? Where's global warming when you need it!!




  1. Winter draw(er)s on.

  2. its freezing all over the world.! i think global warming is a myth that wont come true. at least it sure is not showin to be warm

  3. yes but it affects us in different ways not just heat.

  4. its still winter thats why its soo cold.....  - 8 by me this morning that is really cold

  5. It's very cold. I've noticed there is a frost outside.

  6. I think the scientific term for it is winter.

  7. thermal knickers time

  8. No it is not just you it iIS really cold.  Overnight temperatures were into minus figures.  Here in Durham it was -6 and is likely going to be similar tonight.

    It is definitely bedsocks weather --they really help you warm up quickly in bed  along with gloves balaclava anorak and a hot water bottle lol

  9. honey im just so proud that you called it England...

  10. I bet you wish you was me, I was soooo hot I had bedroom window open and no covers on, but am 36 weeks pregnant, my husbands says I'm like a radiator, so sorry can't sympathise with you and glad no global warming going on, I would swell up like balloon!

  11. It is really cold right now.Minus 6 where i am.

  12. Englands really cold right now.

  13. itd cold all over. lol its actually pretty warm here in chicago- we're at 40 F- idk what that is in celcius but for the windy city its warm- lol just wait for the summer its bound to come soon ;)

  14. oh thats not cold at all. its - 39Celcius -50C with the windchill. Its not bad if there is no wind. then the -30C weather is bareable but when thre is a windchill its not that bareable.. In -8 still wear what you would wear as a fall jacket if that.

    But I live in central canada where it gets a wee bit cool in the winter

  15. Ah well...that's what happens in February!

  16. i just saw a brass monkey looking for a welder

  17. No it isn't. Nowhere near as cold as a winter in the UK either should be or used to be.

    Even in my lifetime I've seen snow on the ground from November to March, and not just on the mountains in Scotland. I was visiting my parents at the start of this month right up in the northwest of Scotland. It was sixteen degrees centigrade and I was outside with nothing more substantial than a cotton t-shirt and jeans on.

    Not a hint of snow on any of the mountains you can see from there, not a hint of anything remotely white and snowy anywhere.

    You can chuckle all you like about global warming; the net result of it for the UK will be to get colder. It'll be nice when it actually kicks in... I like skiing.

  18. Oh is very, very cold, so no wonder you were shivering!! x*x

  19. I totally agree. The last three or four nights have been absolutely freezing and the temperature has dropped pretty sharply during the night.

  20. my god you are right there princess its so cold in ireland its not even funny anymore.  hmm i think we all need to warm up warm and drink irish coffees who with me on this if you all agree say i

    yeah with this cold in england and ireland i think we are all getting quite sick i know i am i have the flu.

  21. It's very cold brrrr

  22. its down to global warming

  23. It is cold , but  cuddles cure that!

  24. not really, it's been colder!

  25. 10 out of 10 for observation.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we are getting the opposite reaction right now.  It is so cold due to the easterly winds blowing from Russia and that coupled with the absence of clouds causes heat loss.

  26. Blimey is it !!!!  

    I live in Scotland so you'll get no sympathy from me....hmmm

    might stick a hip flask in ma sporran though just in case  ; )

  27. warm in day, cold at night

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