Not to insult the few great areas, schools, and other things the state offers, I live here, and if it was THAT bad I'd move out but, I've travelled everywhere including Europe, and I find New Jersey, not just by the infamous dirty east side by the city, but the state in general, to be this extremely overpopulated, congested, dirty, attitudey, gloom-and-doom-the world is ending tomorrow, player-like, cut throat, materialistic, shallow/superficial/mean, spiritually dead, over-paved, dead end of a state.
I mean it's just another state, but this one in particular seems to just, suck, for lack of better words.
All of our major cities suck, trendon,newark are 3rd world like nightmares. The good suburbs themselves are okay, but overcongested, and as for scenery. WHat scenery?
In the wintertime, this state looks and feels like an extremely ugly and cold wasteland.
Most of all, it's the people.
NJ people seem to hate everyone, and act like they'd rather be ANYWHERE but here. wtf