
Is it just me, or is this really rude?

by  |  earlier

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I was in the car yesterday with a friend. During the journey I fell asleep and when I woke up she was listening to MY ipod. I had left the Ipod in my bag when I went to sleep. The bag was under my feet and the ipod was right at the bottom of the bag. Yet she riffled through my bag, got out my ipod and was listening to it for at least an hour (the time I was asleep). Then we went out for the day at this place. That went ok, but she was pretty demanding. On the way back, I thought, ok, we'll listen to it together. She wanted to choose ALL the songs and insisted on holding it the whole time, again MY ipod. When I finally got to choose a song she said "oh no, it's go too much of a beat. I won't be able to get to sleep." so ofc we had to change it. I was like WHAT? If you want to sleep, sleep. Then she took it out her ear and I put it in mine. She then sat and faced the other way the rest of the journey. Just because I wanted to listen to some music she didn't like. Is that rude??




  1. She ain't a friend she is a moocher!  Tell her to knock it off next time she pulls that c**p.  The sense of entitlement of some people is astounding.  Simply tell her that you are on to her and that you will not be putting up with her childish behavior

  2. You're friend was definitely being  a little spoiled. I'm guessing she is an only child? My best friend is an only child and sometimes I have to deal with her being selfish and spoiled. She too goes to great lengths to take my I-pod and other possesions too, when she has a perfectly good one. Then she doesn't give it back for a long time. And she has the nerve to get angry with me over borrowing some socks! ( but that's another issue). Your friend went over the line though. You should've just told her. That's what I would do. Bring her back to reality and tell her that not everything you own is at her lolly-gagging disposal. Being spoiled and selfish is definitely a problem among the only children of the world.

  3. Are you very good friends? I wouldn't care if my best friend helped herself to my stuff, especially if I was sleeping. It is not like she is going to use up your ipod. Does she own an ipod? If not, give her some slack, you can listen to your stuff the other 22 hours in the day. Friends share things, friends enjoy seeing each other happy.

  4. Your friend's behavior was extremely rude!  You shouldn't have put up with it.  I sure as h**l wouldn't have!

  5. It's not you at all...your friend is a clod.  She shouldn't have gone in your purse, she shouldn't have gotten mad at you for listening to your own music and she really shouldn't have taken those vouchers.

  6. She sounds like some one who doesn't deserve your friendship. Unless you set the boundaries she will continue to do these things. Once you do that and she doesn't recognize them then you should distance yourself from her.

  7. Hahaha, I had a friend like this. I don't think she moved beyond five years old. So I moved on and I've never been happier. Cut off contact. She threw a fit of course cause she wasn't getting her way. But the stress level is way down in my life.

  8. Definitely a rude person who needs to be taught about personal space, boundaries and respect other people's things. I would not let this slide. I am quite sure that the fact that she went through your things to get to your ipod is what really upset you. No one has the right to go through anyone's things without permission. If you do not stop this behavior it will only get worse and you will eventually have a major falling out. She is also ungrateful. There was no reason for her to take those vouchers for a trip that she was invited on.

  9. yes thats rude id be pissed

  10. It is rude. She needs to learn how to ask permission before taking something. Also, if she was a good friend she would have tried to find a song you both could listen to like you where doing.

    You were a nice friend by allowing her to listen to your ipod!

  11. With a friend like that you sure don't need any enemies, if I were you I would make sure I didn't take her anywhere again, it appears that she is one of those people who have a knack of stirring up resentment and is best avoided.

  12. RUDE.

  13. Yes, a very rude Tw*t - i would rid myself of her.

  14. That seems very rude. You should definitely talk to her about this. She needs to learn what's hers and whats not.

  15. Yeah, that sounds rude. Maybe you should have said something to her at the time. Maybe she didn't realise it.

  16. Yes, that is very rude. If I were you, I would talk to her about how she acted. Maybe she doesn't realize how her behavior effects those around her, especially her friends. She needs to be straightened out or she could lose you  or (others)as a friend.

  17. The ipod ruffling through bag thing- yes i guess thats kind of rude but you should just ignore it, depending on how gooder friend she is. if your really close i guess it not that bad

    turning around and going to sleep and choosing all the songs- yes, rude. you should say something firmly. a better word than rude i think, would be annoying.

    keeping vouchers when with your family- VERY VERY rude. you need to get these back. simply explain firmly without getting angry that as you went on the day trip and your parents took you that you need these back. pretend that your parents think you lost it and are shouting at you and are going to ground you.

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