
Is it just me, or is this so-called "news article" the most deliberately confusing thing you've ever seen?

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This article claims that there is a "simpler" way to identify fuel efficiency by computing Gallons per Mile (instead of the traditional MPG):

I got about half way through it before my head started throbbing...




  1. I see the guy's point (the math major, not the writer),  but it's not going to happen.

    And yes, a little knowledge of math would be necessary to understand this.

  2. Agreed

  3. I got overwhelmed immediately, it feels like a pop quiz I'm not prepared for.

  4. It's not as deliberately confusing as Spiro Agnew's resignation speech, in which he admitted to committing an overlap.  [?]

  5. It's unnecessarily difficult. The gist of the article is that people can't figure out simple mileage and which vehicle is more fuel efficient. Therefor, let's give them some big, convoluted concept to replace the simple concept they are already having problems with.

  6. MOST news articles about oil prices and fuel efficiency are deliberately confusing! I got through less than half of the article you mention before losing patience.

  7. This is done by the same people who drew up the tax code.

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