
Is it just me ? I just seen a movie with my 2 yr old nephew called Boog and Elliot !?

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Why are they so cruel to the rabbits ? What the H is going on when they can abuse a smaller helpless animal. Is this going to be the future of children movies ? I think it should be deleted .its cruel and totaly mindless violence for little children .




  1. Well, I think that they think that kids enjoy watching animals get hurt because it is 'funny'. I certainly think it is cruel, but some kids who love violence would laugh their head off. Not many children would stop and think that animals are actually hurt by getting abused. The only thought running through their head is abusing animals is funny. I'm not so sure why, but children enjoy watching people or animals that are in pain or are being abused.

  2. You have to stop viewing these with your child.  If they are young and they grow up watching violent movies, they will be insensitive to violence and think it is OK. (or more so than children who don't)  You should teach your child to help animals, and you must firmly show them that violence is wrong.  But those kinds of movies cannot be prevented, and sometimes it can be funny and OK to view with your child.  (Not everyday or something like that)

  3. havent seen it, but the title is "Open Season"

  4. I agree with the last answer that you should emphasize that violence is wrong and teach them to be kind to people and animals.

    I would suggest, though, that you do not completely cut out that sort of thing when he's more grown-up. 2 is still very young, so yes, show more friendly videos but when he gets to be an older child do not heavily censor everything. Why? Because he needs to learn the DIFFERENCE between entertainment and reality. He will see these images either way, trust me. Friends, television when unsupervised, school. You can't completely cut him off from all negativity, so make sure he knows the difference. Strong restrictions will most likely lead to uninformed decisions in a rebellious state.

  5. Hey! I agree with you 100%, I love my wildlife friends and absolutely adore my 2 dogs and 4 cats. The wildlife friends are deer that come right up to our back porch and kick the steps to let us know they're ready for their apples. :=) Each year the young ones come back to show off their children.

    The best remedy is to have him inneract with stuffed or real animals so that he understands it's not okay to hurt any living being unless it's in self defense.

    No I'm no passivist by far, but when it comes to babies, elders and animals. Hurting them is not acceptable.

    You've become apart of the Humane Society!

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