
Is it just me? Or do the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim not get enough credit and attention??

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Th Angels are the number one team in all of major league baseball right now. the best record. Yet they are still not talked about as much as the yankees (enough with all the yankee talk, they are not as great as they used to be!), red sox, and even the rays. if the rays or the cubs take 1st place, it is front page news, and the yankees and red sox are what ESPN talks about 90 percent of the time. The angels are a great team with a killer pitching staff and solid offense. I feel that they are the front runners for a world series championship this year (especially with the new acquisition of mark texiera), and not many will see it coming til it actually happens.




  1. When will they realize

  2. they get plenty of attetion they dont need it

  3. angels has always been a quiet team.. not that many superstars or big names.. but they do exceptionally well every year

    as far as the attention goes, they do get some now!! well more than before...

    its kinda weird though.. weiird feeling i never seen this many angel questions on the baseball section before!

    its like Tex made people look in our direction..

    but Tex is not the reason why the angels got this far.. it was the santana saunders duo, Kotchman, Izzy, GA getting hot, hunter driving in some runs, the solid bullpen etc ^^

    I'm not going to get cocky either but i sure do think they are amazing!

  4. Your absolutely right, they just fly right under the radar.  I think a lot of it has to do with them being a West Coast team and a lot of the country is in bed by the time the West Coast games end.

  5. as a TWINS fan i feel your pan the white sox get more talked about then the twins it seems like every single god dang year the twins are always predicted last and how about this stat for yea the twins pitching staff leads the majors with the most least walks aloud thats good for a bunch of 20 year olds and one vet and we still don't have liriano and the yankees shouldn't be talked about at all they suck

  6. i agree

    i think thats unbelivablesince they are in such a big market with L.A

  7. It's called geography.

    Where is ESPN headquarters located? Where are the Yanks and Sox located? Where are the Angels located? Answer these questions and you have your answer.

  8. Its cuz of the tight race in the west, who cares about a like 15 game lead over the rangers?

    But yah they shud get moe credit.

  9. I have to agree with you in that the Angels do not get enough attention.  They are a great team, and are entertaining to watch.  

    The thing is, Boston and New York have the biggest rivalry in baseball, and the fans want to see that kind of stuff.  As for the Cubs, they haven't won a series since 1908, so them doing good is a big deal.  And the Rays just suck, so them doing good is a huge story.  The Angels always put together a good run, and are always doing good, so their success is not surprising.  And they won the series less than ten years ago.

  10. its because they play in anaheim

  11. Most Definitely!They are the hottest team in ALL baseball right now and have been outstanding since way back,yet they are the most underrated team. It doesn't make sense.

  12. the east will always get more attention than any other teams.

  13. It seems like east coast sports analysts have a bias against Los Angelos teams.

  14. I agree that they don't get enough credit. It seems hard for certain fans of the game and reporters to admit that they're one of the best teams. Regardless of the reasons why, it seems like it's only now that people are coming around to how great the team is.

    That said, I kind of like that they fly under the radar so much. Sure, part of me would like to hear them talked about on sports channels more, but another part of me likes it the way things are. We've always been the underdog – even now, it seems, despite the fact that we do have the best record – and we seem to thrive on that.

  15. As a White Sox fan, I feel your pain.

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