
Is it just me or ae herbal products a problem?

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there are not alot of things i detest more than herbal products, i mean in some products like 70% of the ingrediants label are useless, and only used to confuse people. like: oooooh this ones has superhydrantphenodremonydazole, that must be good for you!.

and now its ceeping into shampoos, energy drinks, ect. I AM A SCIENCE FAN.

i dont know about you gyes but i reckon the simplest is the best, and my mom has totaly banned any type of drugs.

and even this morning i had a cough and my mum looked in her book and said: hmmm....the throat...that means you whant to say something but you havn't so your body gave you a cough...

anyway i ust wanna know your oppinion




  1. OK, you guys are way off base. You said HERBAL products didn't you? Mag citrate is NOT a herb. Herbs fall under the category of barks, leaves, flowers, stems, roots, rhizomes, etc.  The parts of  plants in their NATURAL state, not in pill form, not some fancy scientific name. Go outside and look around, dandelion is a herb, chamomile is a herb, calendula is a herb, dill is a herb, aspirin, even though it's derived from white willow  bark, is NOT a herb, it has become a chemical concotion, like so many of the other drugs the medical profession pushes. And, real white willow bark works MUCH better on pain than aspirin.

    To address your mother's banning of drugs, well why not? They're just chemical versions of the HERBS that exsist all around you. So, simple is best. Simple IS natural. Keep in mind though, these herbs can be dangerous to the ignorant people out there who feel they are properly educated to "self medicate".

    As far as your cough this morning, you have a bug, or a tickle or a virus. That's pretty basic.

  2. yeah i know. most of the good herbs have been turned into prescription drugs. whats left is the c**p the drug companies dont want. for the stuff that does work, people done realize that they work the same way as prescription drugs and carry the same risks.though they probably are good for the people who feel a need to take something for every little ache and pain because there is less chance of harm than with real drugs.

    and alternative med companies are as bad as drug companies money wise, they sell colon cleansing kits for $50 that are just mag citrate which costs $2 a bottle at the pharmacy. at least the real drug companies put a good chunk of that profit into research for future developments

    (and now for the thumbs-downs)

  3. All medicines come from herbs of some sort.  The pharmaceutical companies have hired PhD's to do research to single out the chemical responsible for that particular effect, such as pain-relief or stopping a cough.  In the past 30 years, some meds have been synthasized, such as Synthroid, a synthetic form of thyroid, which appears to be more stable than the natural form of thyroid medicine (which isn't herbal, btw!)  Those other ingredients you are reading on labels are stabilizers (keeps the product stable and from decomposing so quickly -- it's called "half-life" in chemistry) and preservatives and binders.  Binders are what is used to hold the powdered form of...say....aspirin into a tablet form.  In the 1920's, you would have "powders" in a little envelope that you would mix with water or tea or coffee or whiskey, maybe even honey or molasses to make it go down better.  These extra ingredients don't have a common name, so you are reading the chemical name.  

    Almost all disease comes from mental/emotional/stress-related illnesses.  Adult on-set diabetes is one.  So are most auto-immune disorders.  Change your mind, change your health.  Sounds simple, unless you have destroyed your body too much and damaged it, such as in the case of a heart attack patient.  They have had so little joy in their lives, feeling pain and anger and just lost the joy of living, so their heart gave out on them.  Then, after almost dying, they realize what is important to them and change their thoughts and their lifestyle and find, again, what is worth living for.  Then, there are those who continue their self-harming ways and have a double, triple, and quadruple by-pass at least 3 or 4 times because they still are living lives full of misery.  We have all seen people like both examples!  

    Modern medicines works best with Holistic Medicines when both work together!

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