
Is it just me or am I the only 1 thet is tired of the c**p about December 21 2012?

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Is it true or no and why do people think it is true please answer the second part best explanation gets best answer




  1. No one could possibly know when the world is going to end. They have been setting dates for thousands of years, and look, we are still here. People think it is true, because there have been t.v documentaries explaining how scientifically its true. Which is bull c**p. They take what they can and run with it. People are stupid and illogical sometimes. In fact, i want to start some bizarre rumor around on the internet and see how many people think that's true.  

  2. havent heard anything about it so i cant agree with you

  3. OMG i am tired of it too! It wont happen

  4. OMG, it's December 21?  I thought it was December 12. I'll have to change my calendar!  My mom's birthday is December 21 and now I'll have to get her something!

    Yes, I think it's pretty stupid.  But I think it shows something very interesting about human nature and the nature of belief.  It shows that people will believe things just because they want to, as if they need something to believe.  This is the reason for almost all superstition and also almost all religious doctrine.

  5. I am quite tired of this c**p-kuso-si-merde-scheisse! It is based upon lies and misunderstandings. People do not really "think" it is true, they just blindly believe in it, the way they do in religion. If just one person would actually think, he might realize it is c**p. Most people mindlessly repeat nonsense about the Mayan calendar without knowing anything about that calendar. I wish someone would check on it, and I do not mean check on dumb websites that perpetuate the nonsense. I have bet several people $1000 apiece that doomsday will not occur 12/21/12. I am wearing a $12,300 Cartier watch today. 12/22/12, I can buy another watch just like it with my winnings from suckers.

  6. What's with Dec 21, 2012?

  7. At first I thought it may be true but in the end i really dont think it is.

  8. No one can tell you the exact date that the world will end on. And even if it is true, just live your life and don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. Dying isn't supposed to be a terrible thing. It's supposed to be happy and peaceful.

  9. what happens then  

  10. Don't pay any attention to that Mayan bull$h!t nostradomus is a dumbf*** although most of his predictions came true but just live your life dude if it just so happens that there is(which won't be for a couple billion years) i will have said good game i have no regrets

  11. What's the deal with 12/12/12? I haven't heard anything about now, I guess I'm not tired of the c**p with it.

  12. science channel had something on it,its bullshit

  13. I am sick and tired of that also, first of all the world WILL NOT end on that day, just like it did not end when 2000 came and just like the whole Y2K stuff never happened, secondly if it WHERE to end what can we do about it? So let's just relax and when we are done we are done, it is THAT simple people.

  14. December 21 2012 is not the end of the world it is the start of the golden age. But yes!

  15. Its not true the bible states that he (Jesus) will come back when the world least expects. After the saved are taken to heaven the others will sill live on earth for awhile and evryone will know what is going on.

  16. Woo Hoo! I can't wait till doomsday!!!

  17. no im sick of the c**p too.  i dont believe it is true. i mean how many times have they predicted the end of the world? The only thing we an really do is is just wait to see what happens

  18. its just as true as Y2K

  19. It's the day the Mayan Calendar ends. I don't believe it's true.

  20. I am also getting so annoyed about it too.I think it is like when there is a train wreck people just want to be part of the action and want to be the one in the know. It is at times human nature to focus on the worse and this really feeds that need!!  

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