
Is it just me or are kittens annoying

by  |  earlier

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the most annoying, mushy aniamsl on the earth

they are selfish, will do anything for food and kill mice

they need to be pampered constantly and are attention seeker

how can anybody stand a kitten? waste of money if you ask me




  1. is it just me or is ur face annoying?

  2. i ******* hate kittens!

    older cats that just sit and chill are the best

  3. selfish?

    whats wrong with killing mice?

    they do not need to be papmpered constantly, cats are one of the most independent pets.

    waste of money taking care of an animal?

    dude, s***w u.

  4. WOW,

    Your obviosly a sick mother f***** arnt you, KITTENS ARE LOVEING SWEET BUNDELS OF JOY. you sholdent say that around a VET WHO DOVOTED THERE LIFES TO SAVEING THESE CREATERS GOD GAVE US.

    your a B****

  5. wow you obviously don't appreciates God's loving creatures. maybe you should stop and think about the human race. we're greedy, selfish attention whores ourselves. they just happen to be cuter and funnier and more cuddly. if you don't like kittens, don't have one

    your sofa king we tard it

  6. it is just you and only you

  7. Its definately ONLY YOU

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