
Is it just me or are the Australian rugby union commentators biased and irritating?

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Is it just me or are the Australian rugby union commentators biased and irritating?




  1. They can be. But so can all commentators. One of the best things I've heard from a commentor has come from an Aussie... "The hooker has scored! *silence, then hysterical laughing and sniggers for five minutes*" An absolute gem.

    And in their defense, they might not know what they're saying. Most of the time their mouths engage before their brains do.

    A wonderful example is Brian Moore, one of the English, he'll slag off England when they're losing, saying hardly anything about the winning team.  Although it's getting interesting to see how far he'll go with bad language, we got pretty high in the last Six Nations.

    Being biased is in a rugby fan's (or any fan for that matter) nature.

  2. We are all biased......if we hear our team being criticised, fairly or not, we abuse the commentators.  If we hear them praising their own team, we call them biased.  And we always remember the bad comments said about our teams.  The Australian Rugby League competition is televised, and I reckon the commentator is just great, but the following day on radio, I hear all these comments on how biased he was.  People are too sensitive, and they think their team is so precious.

  3. Biased and irritating! to the point of being nausiatingly boring.  Just turn the sound off, it's much better that way.

    Have you heard the cricket guys?  They are so parochial.

  4. that phil kearns mate hes the worst  but that hurricanes brumbie game was the funniest  they had to boast about how good the hurricanes were because they were absolutely nailing the brumbies lol they were finding it really hard its the quietest ive ever heard them aussie commentators lol

  5. If you want to hear biased listen to Sky's coverage of Rugby League. Everything is about how good Leeds are and how every other team is inferior and/or are lucky if they score against them.

  6. Hve you ever heard Brian Moore or Stuart Barnes commentate. They are sooooooooo biased.

    Unless you havea totally neutral commentator most of them are biased in some way, just some more than others.

    I personally think the aussie super 14 guys are really funny

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