
Is it just me or are women at work overly whiny?

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Why is it that every women at work wants to stop and have a 30 minute conversation about how her house needs to be painted, her husband is away, her shoes hurt, she can't wait for the weekend, she's worried about her childrens grades, she has to get groceries today, etc, etc.

I mean I honestly DON'T CARE? But how can I just say that? I usually end up having to listen for 5-10 minutes before smiling and saying I'm later for something?




  1. Put it this way - take 20 women - stick them in an office together for 8 hours - not a good situtaion - thats just how it is hun....

  2. It's called "venting."  If you had any close friends, you'd probably know how that works, but since you apparently don't, I'll explain.  You "vent" (which means you complain about all the little picky things that are stressing you out - and sometimes the BIG things); your friend will agree and commiserate with everything you say; your stress level decreases; you feel better; all the little picky thing are still there, but you feel better.  Sometimes people just need to talk.

  3. Well, since most working women actually hold down 3 full time jobs (career, wife, and mother), I normally cut them a little slack. Even if you don't CARE, you're still doing them a favor by listening to them whine for a few minutes. Come on, it won't kill ya, just keep being a nice guy.

  4. i know exactly what you mean.  Gossipy, annoying, whiny, jealous, broke women that do more talking than working. I dont trust the woman at my work, and i usually  keep my guard up even though I still have to be respectful of them.  So you may not like their work ethics, you just gotta smile, ignore, and respect them.

  5. 41 Female.  I'm not like that.  I keep to myself.  It's just that some females like to vent and discuss feelings and men don't see it that way.  Set your phone to go off 5 minutes into the conversation and that way you can cut the b******* short.

  6. Must be where you work.

  7. Thats why I work with men instead

  8. Well, it's probably just the women you work with. Some people like to talk, others don't. Just tell them to email you the situation and then you can delete it if you really want. Or you could say that you need to concentrate and can't talk.

  9. It's just the women at your job. I wonder what their job is that they can waste so much time and their boss doesn't get concerned. I like to come in and get my job done, and share as little of my personal life with possible with my coworkers. It's just inappropriate.

    At my job there was a man that would do this. He used to come up to me and go on and on about the most mundane details of his life like they were the most interesting story you ever heard. He stopped doing it to me because I guess he got tired of me walking away while he was talking.

  10. I don't like working with women for this very reason.  We're too gossipy, too whiny, too personal, too judgemental, too emotional, and too two-faced.

    You can't tell a woman "Who cares?" but you can certainly excuse yourself from the conversation and walk away.  That's what I do.

  11. If you are married you will be happy that your married to someone that will take care of the worrying. They actually view you as someone they can trust with their inner problems. I would take that as a compliment.

    Next time excuse yourself politely and say I have a deadline to catch or your your at a time crunch.

  12. Well not all woman whine all day at work, but it sounds like the woman you are talking about might have a little more on her plate to worry about then you.  You might not realize this, but married woman with children who work full time have two full time jobs and the second never ends.  She gets off work to take care of the house the husband and the kids, while the husband sits in his fat butt.  It sucks to never get a break, and she has alot on her mind because there is never enough time to get it all done.  Believe me its hard.  The comment you made that all women do this is totally asinine, you dont know all women.  Maybe then woman or women in question could keep the home life out of the work place, but some people arent good at doing that so maybe you should just ignore it or tell her you need to get work done, she will either bug someone else or hopefully learn toleave it at home.

  13. If you are attractive, they may just want something nice to look at once and again.  OR, you may be sending out an "I'm kind, considerate and easy to talk to vibe."

    Some women just want to be heard.  Their husbands might ignore them at home and many women just desire a kind ear.

    Try to continue to work while they talk and if they seem to notice, just say," I'm sorry, I'd really like to listen to you right now, but I am afraid that I cannot give you my full attention because I've fallen behind on a task. Can we catch up after work?"  It's likely she will be apologetic and forget all about the chat and leave work to hurry home as usual.  Plus, your statement it still letting her know that she is important enough to be heard (by somebody, if not by you).

    You will be letting her know that you are still sensitive but at work, work comes first.

    I have had the same experience and this tactic worked for me.

    As a group, men tend to think women whinier than they.  The difference between the two is that women are designed and expected to be three people in one.



    -s*x goddess

  14. I know what you mean those are just plain chatter boxes just like to talk all the time...not me because I don't really want to hear all that either :) just say Hey gotta go talk to you later :)

  15. Hey, i'm a woman and i dont like talking at work period. I'm like you and i really dont care what cute thing my boss's kid did or whatever.  Some people just think of work as another place to socialize for whatever reason. It's annoying, but not all women are like that.

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