
Is it just me or did Brooks Orpik tear it up last night?

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I Think in one shift he laid out about 5 people




  1. brooks was checking like a mad man in game 3. he had 4 straight solid checks in one shift at his own end in the 3rd period. and I mean SOLID body checks. one of his best games in this years playoffs, if not his best.

  2. Agreed Orpik was amazing...I think at the end of the 2nd or maybe it was the beginning of the 3rd...he was laying anything out in Red.

    jmt - thats a pretty screwed up thing to can you wish for someone to be hurt...concussions are serious things...don't be a d-bag!

  3. Brooks was handing out checks like it was the 1st of the month. They better make every effort they can to sign him this year because they don't have anyone else even remotely close to his style of play.


  4. He is a very good stay at home dman.  I was disgusted with his breaking eric cole's neck a few years ago, but I've realized that he's a very solid player.  Should be too, as he was one of many first rounders of pittsburgh.

  5. Nope its just you all of pitt got outplayed they were lucky to win

  6. B.O. did a wonderful job. Now about his initials...................................

  7. There was a 5 min period in the 3rd period that he looked like the best dman in the world......

  8. I usually talk so much trash on Orpik and Whitney. Everything they do usually upsets me and makes me want to choke them.. i'm going to continue not liking Whitney... haha

    But last night... while watching the game... my eyes opened wide in amazement as that boy laid out guy after guy after guy. I texted everyone i knew just so i could tell them my Orpik-bashing days were officially over and he earned all of my respect.

  9. Brooks is a hitting machine.  I wish he would hit "the mule" like he did against Lindross a few years ago.  With the post concussion sindrom Franzen has one good hit and he is done for.  

    GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. He's my hero, honestly.

    The man is effin amazing, that one part of the game where he kept hitting that guy into the board was funny.

  11. Buffalo boy!!!!!

  12. Orpik was hitting everything that breathed, moved, blinked, and had red on their shirt. He was having visions of being like Gary Roberts some day. :)

  13. agreed.

    great job. solid puck handling also.

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