
Is it just me or did anyone else feel that except for Palin...?

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...the Republican National Convention was just a 4 day old white dude pride parade???




  1. Both Conventions were very successful

  2. Definitely. Palin does bring something new to the ticket but substantial? Not so sure.

  3. Palin's speech was probably written by some white dudes.  She might as well have popped out of a cake!

  4. No, it's not just you.  You called it right.  Furthermore, Palin will have absolutely no power in a McCain administration.  She's his pawn, nothing more.

  5. Ok. It was lame.  

  6. rudy giuliani had a great speech. palin had a great speech. mccain's speech, you know, the one about him being imprisoned for 5 years and tortured so that he can't raise his hnds ubove his head cuz he was tied up for so long, the one about how they beat him so bad they "broke him". that was a beautiful and moving speech. the RNC was not a white dude parade. they got off to a late start because of Gustav. h**l, they raised money for the victims of gustav. they didn't have some big, expensive "celebration" of obama. i'm supprizd the democratic pick didn't come out dressed like jesus there was so much hype and BS.  

  7. No.  McCain and others had very good speeches and looked very aggressive against Obama.  

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