
Is it just me or do most Jews seem to be Marxist/communist?

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Why?Why are most Jews so enthusiastic about communism?




  1. Actually the only way communism will ever work is within small family groups.  People will never care about strangers living in their community the same way that family members will care for one another.  

    I think most groups that purposefully isolate themselves (new immigrants, various religious sects, etc.) from the broader community, force themselves to be dependent upon their fellow members.  I don't know if I would call this communism, but I do see it as a form of welfare that the isolated group gives to only other members of their group.

  2. I'm not sure I've ever met a Jew who was a communist!  Some may be rather left-leaning; but I also have Jewish friends and relations who are rather more right-wing.  It seems to me that we cover much the same range as everyone else.

  3. Not true.

    Within the Jewish community you will find people with an entire range of beliefs and affiliations.

  4. It's just you.  How many Jews have you met that actually told you they were Communists?  You say "most" Jews as though you have talked to all of us in the US.  Please do not generalize like this; it gives other people an excuse for their anti-semitism.

  5. It's just you.  I've never met a Jewish person who was a Communist.

  6. It is just you I think .I am Jewish and neither a communist or a Marxist.

    It is true that many of the communist/Marxist movement when it began in Russia were of Jewish origin but most were secular.

    I think you will find in the US most Jews are democratic (although Barak Obama is scaring many of us) and far from Marxist. A few are conservative.

    In Israel we come in all flavors so to speak.

    I cannot comment for other countries.

    Anyway I am far from enthusiastic about communism and as many Jews fled Russia to get away from communism it seems a little odd to me.

    Do you have any statistics on this?

  7. I'm Jewish,and very against communism or marxism!

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